【英語】ATLAS◈3学期学年末考査◈比較(2)【高2】 | 赤城❤︎.*








p.56, 57



A. (   )内の語を適当な形にして空所に入れよ。
1) Lake Biwa is            lake in Japan.  (large)
2) The station is one of            buildings in this city.  (old)
3) This is            music player of the three.  (expensive)
4) Takashi sings            of all the students.  (well)
1) the largest  琵琶湖は日本で一番大きい湖だ。
2) the oldest  その駅はこの街で最も古い建物の一つだ。
3) the most expensive  これは三つの中で最も高価な音楽プレイヤーだ。
4) the best  タカシくんは全生徒の中でいちばん上手に歌います。


B. 日本語の意味にあうように、(     )に適当な語を入れよ。
1) これはこの店で売っているだんぜん最高のコーヒーだ。
  This is the (     ) (     ) coffee the sell in this shop.
2) ロシアは世界でずばぬけて大きい国だ。
  Russia is (     ) (     ) the largest country in the world.
3) 十和田湖は日本で3番目に深い湖だ。
  Lake Towada is the (     ) (     ) lake in Japan.
4) この歌は私の友だちの間で2番目に人気のある曲だ。
  This song is (     ) (     ) (     ) popular among my friends.
1) very best  2) by far  3) third deepest  4) the second most


C. 次の英文を、指示に従ってほぼ同じ内容の文に書きかえよ。
1) The hotel is the oldest building in our ciy.
  a. The hotel で始まる比較級を用いた文に
  b. No other building で始まる原級を用いた文に
  c. No other building で始まる比較級を用いた文に
2) Drawing pictures is the most exciting thing for me.
  a. Drawing pictures で始まる比較級を用いた文に
  b. Nothing で始まる原級を用いた文に
  c. Nothing で始まる比較級を用いた文に
a. The hotel is older than any other building in our city.
b. No other building in our city is as old as the hotel.
c. No other building in our city is older than the hotel.
a. Drawing pictures is more exciting than anything else for me.
b. Nothing is as exciting as drawing pictures for me.
c. Nothing is more exciting than drawing pictures for me.


D. 意味の通る英文になるように、(     )内の語句を並べかえて全文を書け。
1) The Amazon ( the / the world / is / longest / in / second / river ).
2) Yuka ( play tennis / other / can / student / better / any / than ) in her class.
3) ( as / no / as / is / other / friendly / girl ) Betty.
1) The Amazon is the second longest river in the world.
2) Yuka can play tennis better than any other student in her class.
3) No other girl is as friendly as Betty.