高2 パワーオン レッスン3 期末考査用問題(Grammar) | 赤城❤︎.*



Q1. 日本語と同じ意味になるよう空所に適語を書け。

⑴ 彼らはごみのリサイクルにかかわっている。

 They are (     ) (     ) recycling garbage.

⑵ 彼は音楽家として生計を立てている。

 He (     ) a (     ) as a musician.

⑶ わたしはよい考えを思いついた。

 I (     ) (     ) (     ) a good idea.

⑷ 父は椅子だけでなく机も作った。

 My father made the chair (     ) (     ) (     ) the desk.

⑸ 彼女は英語を教えるのが上手だ。

 She is (     ) (     ) teaching English.

⑹ わたしは将来医者になりたいと思っている。

 I want to become a doctor (     ) (     ) (     ).



⑴involved in ⑵makes, living ⑶came up with ⑷as well as ⑸good at ⑹in the future



Q2. 正しい英文になるように(   )内の語句を並べかえよ。

⑴ He ( true / dream / made / his / come ).

⑵ I ( my brother / this watch / repair / had ).

⑶ My parents didn't ( me / to / let / the summer festival / go ).

⑷ My father ( me / had / he / gave / a present / made / that ).

⑸ They were born ( making / people / where / in a town / a living / were ) from garbage.



⑴made his dream come true

⑵had my brother repair this watch

⑶let me go to the summer festival

⑷gave me a present that he had made

⑸in a town where people were making a living


Q3. 次の英文を指示にしたがって書きかえよ。

⑴ I can't remember the house.  I was born in it. <関係副詞whereを用いて1文に>

⑵ He has already started to work. <when I visited himを付け加えて>

⑶ I solved this question. <兄に解いてもらった、という文に>



⑴I can't remember the house where I was born.

⑵He had already started to work when I visited him.

⑶I had my brother solve this question.