⑴ Masao is a fast typist. I (as, as, type, fast, can't) he can.
⑵ We should save electricity (as, as, possible, much).
⑶ Our club has (many, twice, as, members) as yours.
⑴ Sunlight is ( ) brither than moonlight. 〔ずっと明るい〕
⑵ ( )( ) we climb, ( )( ) it becomes. 〔高く上るほど涼しくなる〕
⑶ ( ) and ( ) people are visiting our city.
①⑴ can't type as fast as⑵ as much as possible⑶ twice as many members②⑴ far⑵ The higher, the cooler⑶ More, more
⑴ マイクはできるだけ多くの場所を訪れようとした。
A. Mike tried to visit ( ) many places as ( ).
B. Mike tried to visit ( ) many places as ( )( ).
⑵ 昨日ユミは私の2倍長く数学を勉強した。
A. Yesterday Yumi studied math ( ) as long as I did.
B. Yesterday I studied math ( ) as long as Yumi did.
⑶ ジャケットはズボンの3倍の値段だ。
A. The jacket costs ( )( ) as ( ) as the pants.
B. The pants cost ( )( ) as ( ) as the jacket.
⑴ 太陽は冬よりも夏の方が早くのぼる。
The sun rises than in the winter.
⑵ トムは私よりも3cm背が高い。
Tom is than me.
⑶ AスーパーはMスーパーよりも空いている。
Supermarket A is Supermarket M.
⑷ リサは勉強すればするほどテストでよい得点をとった。
Lisa studied, she scored on the tests.
⑴ Ken wants to go (as, scuba diving, possible, often, as) this summer.
⑵ I spent (as, much, three times, as, money) my sister did during the trip.
⑶ Mr. saito thinks that (is, English, less, than, difficult) Russian.
⑷ Her daughters have (and, become, taller, taller) recently.
⑸ The (in, longer, Japan, Gilbert, lives), (he, better, likes, the) Japanese food.
⑴ 私はお金よりも健康がずっと重要だと思います。
⑵ 私はできるだけ多くの野菜を食べるようにしています。
⑶ キャベツはレタスの8倍のビタミンCを含みます。
❶⑴ A: as, possible B: as, he cuold⑵ A: twice B: half⑶ A: three times, much B: one three, much❷⑴ earlier⑵ 3cm taller⑶ less crowded than⑷ The more, the more➌⑴ scuba diving as often as possibleケンはこの夏できるだけ多くスキューバダイビングに行きたい。⑵ three times as much money asぼくは姉が旅行中に使った額の3倍のお金を使った。⑶ English is less difficult than英語はロシア語よりも難しくないと斎藤さんは思っている。⑷ become taller and taller彼女の娘たちは近頃ますますおっきくなっている。⑸ longer Gilbert lives in Japan, the better he likesギルバートさんは日本に長く住めば住むほど、もっと和食が好きになっている。❹⑴ I think that health is far more important than money.⑵ I try to eat as many vegetables as I can. (下線部はpossibleでも可)⑶ Cabbage contains eight times as much vitamin C as lettuce.