A while ago, I ordered some custom clothes to Handmade Dreams. Here's the review ! (=⌒▽⌒=)

I've been wanting for YEARS to do a Jared Leto look-alike custom doll. I discovered 30 Seconds to Mars' music in 2007 with the video/film of From Yesterday and discovered about Pullips/Taeyangs in 2008 and immediately wanted to do a Jared doll someday.
In January this year I was finally able to order a Taeyang MIO kit, so I made a Jared doll !
But if I knew exactly how I wanted his face to look like, I had to find him a wig and clothes. (For the eyes I already knew where to find it = I got the eyes on KiraKiraMeansSparkle shop on Etsy).
So I wrote a message on a FB group called "Pullip Sales" saying that I was searching for a red and black wig (since I discovered 30 Seconds To Mars with From Yesterday, I wanted my doll to look like Jared in this video).
Then I got a comment by Handmade Dreams, saying that they could do a custom wig !
So I ordered a wig from Handmade Dreams.
I received it not long after ordering it, I was happy with the quality 音譜

But I still needed clothes for my Jared. And I saw that Handmade Dreams could do custom clothes, so as I was happy with the wig, I decided to ask them if they could do the clothes as well.
Since I asked for a custom design (with a print), it took a while to make the clothes.
I was getting impatient at the end because I wanted to receive the clothes before starting on customizing the doll (I didn't want him to be naked once his faceup finished ^^ ... and because using MSC requires a respiratory protection which is quite expensive, I wanted to do all the faceups I had to do at the same time. Which is 5 dolls. So I was a little impatient at the end xD )
But I was happy with what I received !

And the outfits worn by Jared:

So what did I think about the outfits ?
- I ordered an Obitsu sized because Jared is on a male Obitsu. But the clothes are very tight ! Not really a problem, but for example the pants from the outfit "Nevermind" (in red) were super hard to remove...So he wears something else.
The tshirts are tight as well, but not a problem at all since it's closed by Velcro : I just close the higher part of the shirt.
- The prints are well done. I was told that the Rocket Boy print turned blue which is totally understandable considering the color of the shirt. So no problem here.
But the print on the shirt with the triad is coming apart (maybe because of the heat here ?)... I'll try to fix that ! (^∇^)
- For the quality of the shirts, I'm happy with what I got. It wasn't expensive at all but the quality is correct. :)

I'm very happy that I ordered the wig and clothes for Jared to Handmade Dreams and will probably order from them again in the future ! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ