園館紹介 -その7-【さっぽろ円山動物園】 | とりのアメブロ



園館紹介 -その7-【さっぽろ円山動物園】

 -Zoos and Aquariums information No.7 <Sapporo Maruyama Zoo>










Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today I will introduce Sapporo Maruyama Zoo.


Humdoldt Penguins are kept in Sapporo Maruyama Zoo and I could see seventeen penguins today!


Exhibitions are separated three places, nine penguins including one juvenile penguin are kept in the widest place and four penguins are kept in other two places. There are wild grass and trees in the places where four penguins live, I think penguins feel happy. Also, I watched the information board that was written by keepers by hand, it was verrry nice!

Please see photos I took today!


 < Grass suits Humboldt Penguins! >


【とっても元気な亜成鳥がいました! 好奇心いっぱい♪】
 < I could find a very active juvenile Penguin ! He/She is interesed in many things! :-) >


【手書き看板! もう、お見事!!】

 < The information board that was written by keepers by hand! Wonderful!! >