園館紹介 -その1-【東北サファリパーク】 | とりのアメブロ



園館紹介 -その1-【東北サファリパーク】

 -Zoos and Aquariums information No.1 < Tohoku Safari Park > 



今日から私が過去に訪問した「ペンギンのいる動物園や水族館」の紹介をしていきます! 文章は少なく、写真多めで行きますね!





Good evening, this is Tori's writing.

From today, I will write about zoos and aquariums where I've visited before and keep penguins! I will do my best to write sentences less and show you more photos!

The first place is Tohoku Safari Park in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture that I visited yesterday. This park keeps thirty-one African Penguins!!

The park kept only twelve penguins on March 20, 2012, so they increased more than twice in six years, that's wonderful!

The sales points of the park are plannings by keepers, enthusisasm  and the ways how to tell visitors knowledge about penguins. We can easily understand them because penguins are increasing, inspite of the exhibition might not be complete!

Please see photos that I took there!



< As cement floor is not good for penguins, keepers set artificial turf on the ground! >


【個体紹介もしっかり♪】 < All penguins are introduced on the papers! >




< While feeding time, there are two keepers in the exhibition. One keeper tell visitors about penguins and another feeds penguins with a checking board. Keepers check how many fish do all thirty-one penguins eat! >




< Penguin News published by keepers. Handmade paper with photos is verrrry wonderful and we can easily understand keepers' thinking!! >