今日の「とり」ビア-その14- | とりのアメブロ




 -The 14th 'Tori'-via!






著作権の関係があるので写真は載せられませんが、本当に横を向いていました! JR東日本さんの公式Webサイトで「Suica 歴史」で検索すると、初期のカードが載っている研究ページがありますので、興味のある皆様はぜひご覧ください♪

Good evening, this is Tori's writing. Today's 'Tori'-via is below.


-The Penguin that is written on Suica card looked away at first. -


As there is a copyright, I can't upload a photo, but this is true! If you are interested in this trivia, please visit JR East's official website and search these words, "Suica 歴史" (Sorry, Japanese only), then you can find the image of this first card on the pages of researches!

【今日の1枚♪】 -Today's photo


< A King Penguin at Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium on July 17. Suica's penguin's model is an Adelie Penguin......Oh, I haven't seen them yet this year! :-) >