
In Iwate Village, Tarui-cho, Fuwa County, Gifu Prefecture, Hanbei Takenaka and his subordinates, a military commander used by Nobunaga Oda and Hideyoshi Toyotomi, lived there.



Hanbei's father, Shigeharu, served Dosan Saito, an influential person in Mino Province, but after Dosan's death, his son Shigetatsu became his lord.



But after Hanbei's father passed away, Shigetatsu passed away, too. So, Tatsuoki became the lord. Though he was drunker.  



And because he valued only some senior vassals and did not value Hanbei and the Mino Triumvirate, Hanbei took over Inaba Castle, which is now Gifu Castle.



After that, Tatsuoki and his followers recaptured Inaba Castle, and Hanbei who fulfilled the purpose of admonishing his master let go of Inaba Castle and returned to Iwate and lived a seclusion life.



On the other hand, Nobunaga Oda, who was expanding his power, dropped Inaba Castle and Tatsuoki was sent out.



Nobunaga Oda ordered Hideyoshi to encourage him to bring in the wise Shigeharu Takenaka Hanbei into his group.



Therefore, Hanbei served Nobunaga and Hideyoshi as a schemer, and made several castle lords turn to the Oda side.



This is the sculpture of Hanbei Takenaka


竹中 陣屋跡



1 竹中氏陣屋の沿革

竹中半兵衛重治没後の慶長 13 年(1608 年)、嫡子の重門が、それまで居館 (きょかん)を西福(さいふく)村に置き、詰城としていた菩提山城を廃し、岩手に まわりに水濠を巡らした館を構え、その周囲に家中屋敷を置き陣屋とした。

当初は岩手城と呼ばれたが、江戸初期 6,000 石、後に 1,000 石を分地し、 5,000 石の旗本身分にとどまったため、陣屋と呼ばれるようになった。


In 1608, after the death of Hanbei Takenaka, his legitimate son Shigemon placed his residence in Saifuku Village, abolished Bodaiyama Castle, which had been a castle, and set up a house with a moat around Iwate, and around it. I set a house in the house and made it a jinsha.


Initially, it was called Iwate-jo Castle, but in the early Edo period, it separated 6,000 koku, and later 1,000 koku, and stayed at the flag itself of 5,000 koku, so it came to be called Jinya.


現在の陣屋跡地は、小学校や幼稚園の敷地になっているが、重門が構えたがっ しりした石垣と白壁の櫓門は陣屋の正面に設けられている。


2 陣屋屋敷

坪割は、東辺 40 間5尺(74.23m)、北辺 37 間半(68.18m)、西辺 36 間1 尺(65.75m)、南辺 42 間2尺(76.96m)、総坪数 1,636 坪半である。

2 Jinya residence

The tsubowari is 40 gan 5 shaku (74.23 m) on the east side, 37 kan and a half (68.18 m) on the north side, 36 kan 1 shaku (65.75 m) on the west side, 42 kan 2 shaku (76.96 m) on the south side, and the total number of tsubo is 1,636 and a half.


3 濠(ほり)

濠は陣屋を取り囲んでおり、濠の一部は関ヶ原の戦いの後に賜った米 1,000 石を費用として完成したといわれ、千石濠の名が残っており、櫓門付近は石積が みられる。

櫓門左側 70 尺(20m)は水濠である。右側 214 尺(64m)も水濠であった が、現在は埋め立てられている。

他の周囲については、陣屋の南側は小学校や幼稚園の敷地となり、遺構は残されていないが、北側の屋敷土塁や濠は残されており、近世陣屋遺構の好例として 重要である。

3 Moat

The moat surrounds the camphouse, and part of the moat is said to have been completed with 1,000 koku of rice given after the Battle of Sekigahara at the expense, and the name of Sengoku Moat remains, and there is a mastone pile near the Yagura-mon Gate.


The 70 shaku (20m) on the left side of the Yagura-mon gate is a water moat. The 214 shaku (64 m) on the right was also a water moat, but it is now being reclaimed.


As for other surroundings, the south side of the jinya is the site of an elementary school and kindergarten, and there are no remains, but the mansion earthen wall and moat on the north side are left, which is important as a good example of the early-modern Jinya remains.


4 櫓門(やぐらもん)

県指定文化財となっている櫓門は、間口6間(10.9m)、奥行き3間(5.45m)、 旗本身分で全国唯一現存する城郭建造物とされている。

この櫓門は、関ヶ原玉の濱六兵衛の屋敷(玉城)から、杉山内蔵助(重元の妻 の妹の婿・竹中半兵衛の叔父)が移設したといわれている。

明治に入り櫓門は、明治新政府の「幕府建造物破壊令」により破壊の対象にな ったが、髙橋弥八郎氏などが「櫓門は菁莪学校の正門である」と主張し、その努力により明治 8 年に現在の岩手小学校の前身である「菁莪学校」の正門と して位置づけられ、昭和 20 年頃まで櫓門の中は教室として利用されて今日に至っている。


4 Yaguramon
The Yagura-mon Gate, which is a prefectural designated cultural property, has a frontage of 6 m (10.9 m) and a depth of 3 ken (5.45 m), and is considered to be the only existing castle structure in the country with the flag itself.
It is said that this yagura-mon gate was relocated by Kuranosuke Sugiyama (the uncle of Hanbei Takenaka, the son-in-law of the younger sister of Shigemoto's wife) from the residence of Rokubei Hama (Tamaki) in Sekigahara Tama.
In the Meiji period, the tower gate was subject to destruction by the "Order on the Destruction of Buildings of the Jingbo School", and due to their efforts, the predecessor of the current Iwate Elementary School, "菁莪" It was positioned as the main gate of the school, and the inside of the Yagura-mon Gate was used as a classroom until around 1945.
Quoted from the Internet



There is a space of looking outside on the Yagura gate



This is the stone wall that is left as it is.






Shigeharu Takenaka" common name is Hanbei" was so good at withdom. And his descendants also encouraged both literary and martial arts in the Edo period, and when he built Seiga Dojo and trained people.



It remains as a museum now.



Photograph of the statue of Hanbei Takenaka in the museum.



The armor worn by Hanbei.






The picture of Seiga school in Iwate Fuwa gifu.




Hanbei is also famous for harboring the child of Kuroda Kanbei, another military master. Kuroda Kanbei went to Arioka Castle to persuade Araki Murashige of Settsu to rebel against Nobunaga. At that time, Nobunaga took the child Matsujumaru hostage so that Kanbei would not turn over. However, Kanbei was imprisoned in Arioka Castle and could not return. If Kanbei doesn't return and the other party kills him, his head should be returned, but since there was no such thing, Nobunaga, who thought that he himself had also turned over, orders Hanbei to kill Shojumaru.

Hanbei offered the heads of the others and hid Shojumaru in his vassal Bodhiyama Castle. The following year, Kanbei was rescued and learned that Shojumaru was alive and resumed his attack, but Hanbei had already died during the siege of Miki Castle. On June 13, 1579, he was only 34 years old.