April 11. Day 47.

How've you been guys?

It snowed a couple of days ago.




Finally, I got a car.
Plymouth grand voyager 1998

it's a van.


The price was 1200 bucks, and I got it in craiglist.
craiglist is a cite people sell and buy, or seek stuff.

and I registered the car. it cost 215 bucks.
the car insurance does 90 bucks per a month.


anyway, anyway

I went to Tanger outlets mall lied above Madison yesterday.

there are Abercrombie&Fitch, Holister, American Eagles, Polo and so on.

it was nice.

I wanna go to Milwalkey next weekend

Had fun!!

We dyed boiled eggs many colors, yellow, blue, purple, green, orange and red.

after lunch, Dad and mom hid plastic eggs in the yard, and we sought them.

I found 12 out of 49.

we had a feast as a dinner

that was the first Easter for me, and it was really fun, now I struggle for homework, though.

see ya

Long time no write XD

April 4th (Day 40)

so busy thesedays

but I will try to resume writing

Anyway, It's easter day.

and I saw a rabbit this morning in the yard.


we have many birds and squirrels here.
but I didn't know we do rabbits.

I'm wondering what'll happen today.

I'll report what I've done today in the evening.

see ya soon
