today is the last lecture of summer courseびっくりマーク
I wish Elisssa can stay with us much more longerむっ
I still have lots of stuffs to learn!!!ううっ...

By the way, in Chinese, there are no class will not be finished.
I just hope we can meet in afterwards.

Tea and me work till last night 10.30 coz we drove away from CMC's staff.
Never mind. Then, needa 9.30 back to CMC and finalize the clipssss.

Frankly, I love the process of editing.
It drove me crazy but gave me feeling of successful.
at least I tried sth and did sth and achieved sth.

When I sit in front of Final Cut Pro,
Time are flying tooooo fast@@@@@@@
When I roughly put sound together,
Already 1130@@@@@
Not much time left.

BTW, clips done.
I love editing, pre-production rather than real shooting.
Although we had fun while we were shooting,
I still feel hard feeling when I can't shoot what I want.

You know what?
We know and We project images in our mind,
It's quite frustrated when it's difficult to tell someone what we expect in our mind,
But they reli can't get what you are talking about.

So, at least in post-production,
I can tell myself that's all what I need to deal with that limited sources.

I love challenge, but also I hate feeling of unsure and unpredictable variables.

Elisssa, what a lovely teacher.
Although sometimes I fade out in class (HAHA)
at least I had focus sometimes汗

I love you taught me how to respect film producers today.
You really borden my eyes~~Hehe
I know I still got a lot to do.

Now, I still remember what you talked about Hong Kong children.
You said Children are not permitted to make mistakes in Hong Kong.
Ya, it's true.
I love taking care of child and playing with them.
Sometimes I might too harsh on them.
At that time, I started to reflect myself.
Just let the children go.
Just let them make mistakes and learn from it.
Truly your son is sooooo adorable, cuteハート
I love children's perspective.
They can see what we can't seeスマイル

Lastly, I hope I can take your lesson again.
And maybe we can meet in somewhere at production house afterwards.
In some way....

See you soon心
Before I read this book,
I just know what Wong Ka Wai's film is not understood by everyone.
I just know 2046/ Happy Together.


Taking few weeks in this course,
I felt I have lots of films to watch,
lots of actor and director I needa know.

Really feel I am just a Rookie in film though I have seen quite a lot of film.

After reading this book,
really got much more see his film from Ka-wai's perspective.
Not too much, But at least a little on his angle to see Hong Kong.

I jotting what terms I don't know,
and writing what I needa know.

Multiple Movement Long-Take
Shot reverse shot
Two shot
Four shot
Camp VS Cool
Field of view

OMG!!!!! how come so much jargon!!
But I love to learning it!!!
Love the progress of learning again.
This Makes me feel know more about this world.
Makes me feel more closer in this field.


This is a part of my film list only!!!!
Recently I have working for my prof on scanning magazine.
I found in magazine Lots of films focus.
In my computer still got a list of movie.


wakaka, not too much but try to write down sth I wanna remind myself.