May 18, 2018
A friend of mine in Cambridge was a nice Chinese woman who was married to an English artist and had a nice cheeky boy. Although I was older than her by one year, she was my host mother when I was there to study English. Anyway, for some reasons Chinese people tend not to clean their house. Unfortunately she was a typical Chinese in that way. I preferred a cleaner and quieter environment so moved to another place after spending several months with them. Of course we kept ㏌ touch and quite often had a good time drinking together.
In summer the family were off to Scotland for the holiday and let me use their house. I had a big chance to hold a huge party, and of course I did. It was nice but there was one big problem at the house. That was MAGGOTS. Their rubbish bin had a thousands of maggots in it. I had to grab the bin to take it out on the rubbish day, which was the day following the party night. Disastrously I over slept and the loud noise of the rubbish collecting truck woke me up. I jumped out of bed, wearing pajamas, which were nice ones, grabbed the rubbish bin and dashed toward the truck. I did it. I caught the truck and the worker dumped the rubbish and checked the inside where he saw the countless MAGGOS! After that he looked at me from head to toes like I was dirtiest woman in the world. As you know, it was the Chinese fault, not a Japanese one. So when I got the rubbish bin from him and said “xie xie” instead of “thank you” or “ arigato”. And dashed to the house again. Please do not get me wrong, I like my Chinese friend very much still now.
そんな夏のある日、一家は夏休みを満喫するためにスコットランドへ旅立った。「空き家にするのも心配だし」と言って私に家を貸してくれた。わーい!大宴会が出来るじゃん!って喜ぶ私!で、実際に国籍ごちゃ混ぜ大パーティーを開いた♪ ただ、その家には1つ問題が有った(まるでホラーだ) そう、何故だかゴミ箱にウジ虫がビッシリと。。。。ウヨウヨしていたのだ。(イギリスは2週間に1度生ごみが回収される)「必ずゴミを出してね」って言われて、ただで家を借りた手前、ミッションは遂行しなければならない。ゴミの日にそのゴミ箱をつかんで家の前まで出さなければ。。。それが私に出来るか??自問自答しながら数日が過ぎる。 そしてゴミの日は大宴会の翌日だった。そのゴミの日に、悲劇は起きた。なんと!私は寝坊してしまったのである。大きなゴミ回収車がゴミ箱を動かす凄まじい音で、ベットから飛び起きた。パジャマのままゴミ箱をひっつかみゴミ回収車を追いかける私。良かった!良かった!私はトラックに追い付いて無事にゴミを捨てる事に成功。ゴミ担当のお兄ちゃんは、ゴミを回収車に収めた後にゴミ箱の中をチェック!そこで見たのがウヨウヨのウジ虫達。次に見たのが、その横に立っているパジャマのままの私(寝ぐせ付き) 彼の目が、「今、僕は世界で一番汚い人間を見ているのだ」って語っている。突き刺さる視線。私のせいじゃない!日本人のせいじゃない!中国人のせいだぁと叫ぶ心中。。そして私はゴミ箱を受け取って、とっさに「シェイシェイ(謝謝)」と中国語を叫んだ(でかした!私!)で、ダッシュで又家まで戻った。あーやれやれ。誤解しないで欲しいのは、私は今でもその中国人の友人とは仲良くしていて、彼女の事が大好きな気持ちには変わりが無いって事。(夏になると思い出すイギリスでの一コマでした)
イギリス英語 (アメリカ英語)
ゴミ rubbish (trash, garbage)
ポテトチップスcrisps (potato chips)
バンドエイドplaster, Band- Aid (Band-Aid)
アパートflat (apartment)
サッカーfootball (soccer)
エレベーターlift (elevator)
トイレ loo (bathroom)
テレビ telly (TV)
祝日 bank holiday (national holiday)
列 queue ( line)
並んでますか?Are you queuing? (Are you in the line?)
一階 ground floor (first floor)
二階 first floor (second floor)
What do you fancy? ( What would you like?)
I fancy something fizzy.