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【ドラゴン・タトゥーの女】 vol.2 英語スクリプト

さっそくですが、前回の記事 で紹介した

最新映画 『 ドラゴン・タトゥーの女 』



She's one of the best investigators I have.

She's different.

In what way?

In every way.

Something wrong with the report?

Anything you chose not to disclose?

He's clean, in my opinion.

He's honest.

Our credibility isn't dead yet.

Mine is.

He's had a long standing sexual relationship with co-editor of the magazine.

Sometheimes he pleasures her.

Not often enough, in my opinion.

No, you're right not to include that.

I need your help. You come, stay on the island.

A way of avoiding all those people you might want to avoind right now.

You will be investigating thieves, misers, bullies.

the most detestable collection of people that you will ever meet.

My family.

This is Harriet.

Someone in the family murdered Harriet,

And for the past 40 years has been trying to drive me insane.

Those are from her, and the rest, from her killer.

You failed to adopt to four foster homes,

arrested twice for intoxication, twice for assault.

How many partners have you had in the last month?

And how many of those were men?

I should have control of my money.

And you will. Once you learn to be sociable.

Why don't we start with me.

You know what to do.

How can I find something you've been unable to find in 40 years?

You don't know them, ann you have a very keen investigative mind.

You were here that day.

It was a terrible day. Searching, not finding.

I never found a body.

Was it spontaneous?

Was it calculated?

Did you know something someone wished she didn't?

The last time I reported on somethig without being absolutely sure, I lost my life savings.

I need a reserch assistant.

I know an excellent one. She did the background check on you.

The what?

You don't think we could hire just anyone for something like this?

It's Mikael Blomkvist. May I come in?

We need to talk.

Hey. Hey! Who do you think you are?

Throw some clothes on. Get rid of your girlfriend.

Can I call you Lisbeth?

I want you to help me catch a killer of women.

I've got absolutely no idea how they are connected to the death of a sixteen year old girl.

Don't you need to look over these?

I got it.

It's better to look for what I am about to show you, on an empty stomach.

What are you doing?

Reading your notes.

They're encrypted.


Rape, torture, fire, animals, religion.

Am I missing anything?

The names.

I may have something

They never really liked people poking around in their lives.

Everybody knows why you're here.

Someone killed her.Someone on the island that day.

If a woman approaches any beat and lies with it..

they shall kill the woman and the beast.

These people are insane. Soon you will know us all.

Only to well. With my apologies.
