KOBEをフルートの街に ~ KOBE Filled with Flute Sounds -2ページ目

KOBEをフルートの街に ~ KOBE Filled with Flute Sounds

神戸国際フルートコンクール支援ネットワーク 〜 Network to support Kobe International Flute Competition

Petri ALANKO (Finland)
ペトリ・アランコ (フィンランド)

1st prize and Award for the Best Performance of a Work by Vincent Pauletat
 at the 2nd KIFC, 1989
1989年 第2回コンクール第1位およびヴァンサン・ポレ作品最優秀演奏賞

Lecturer, University of the Arts Helsinki's Sibelius Academy
ヘルシンキ芸術大学シベリウス音楽院 講師

Website of the University of the Arts Helsinki's Sibelius Academy (English)

Website of the Sibelius-Akatemia (Finish)

神戸市民文化振興財団提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2016年9月
Created based on information provided by Kobe Cultural Foundation / Sep, 2016

Eyal EIN-HABAR (Israel)
イヤル・イエン=ハーバー (イスラエル)

6th prize at the 3rd KIFC, 1993
1993年 第3回コンクール第6位

Professor, Musikhochschule Münster
ミュンスター音楽大学 教授

Head of the Orchestral training programme, Buchmann-Mehta School
ブッフマン・メータ音楽学校 オーケストラ訓練プログラム長


Eyal Ein-Habar (English)

Musikhochschule Münster (German)

ご本人提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2018年4月
Created based on information provided by Mr. Ein-Habar. / April, 2018

寺本 義明 (日本)
Yoshiaki TERAMOTO (Japan)

1993年 第3回コンクール第5位
5th prize at the 3rd KIFC, 1993

東京都交響楽団 首席奏者
Principal, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra

寺本義明 - 東京都交響楽団ウェブサイト(日本語)
TERAMOTO Yoshiaki - Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (Japanese)

ご本人提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2018年4月
Created based on information provided by Mr. Teramoto. / April, 2018

アンナ・ガルツリー=ヴァルグレン (ハンガリー)

4th prize at the 3rd KIFC, 1993
1993年 第3回コンクール第4位

Associate Principal, Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra
ライプツィヒ・ゲヴァントハウス管弦楽団 副首席奏者

Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra (English)

Leipzig Gewandhausorchester (German)

神戸市民文化振興財団提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2016年9月
Created based on information provided by Kobe Cultural Foundation / Sep, 2016

エミリー・バイノン (英国)

3rd prize at the 3rd KIFC, 1993
1993年 第3回コンクール第3位

Principal, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
ロイヤル・コンセルトヘボウ管弦楽団 首席奏者

Emily Beynon's Website (English)
エミリー・バイノン ウェブサイト(英語)

Emily Beynon - Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra's website (English)
エミリー・バイノン - ロイヤル・コンセルトヘボウ管弦楽団(英語)

160920_Emily_BeynonEmily Beynon is principal flute of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam. Born in Wales, she began her flute studies as a junior at the Royal College of Music with Margaret Ogonovsky and then went on to study with William Bennett at the Royal Academy and with Alain Marion in Paris. Equally at home in front of the orchestra as in its midst, Emily performs regularly as concerto soloist and also as chamber musician. She is frequently heard on BBC radio and Classic FM, and has recorded eleven solo discs to date. A passionate and dedicated teacher, Emily is regularly invited to give masterclasses all over the world. In 2009, together with business woman (and amateur flautist), Suzanne Wolff, Emily set up the Netherlands Flute Academy (Neflac).


(translation by Reiko Watanabe)

ご本人提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2016年9月
Created based on information provided by Ms. Beynon. / Sep, 2016

エイミー・ポーター (米国)

2nd prize (no first prize awarded) and Special Award at the 3rd KIFC, 1993
1993年 第3回コンクール第2位(1位なし)および特別賞

Professor, University of Michigan
ミシガン大学 教授

Member of Trio Virado

Faculty, Brevard Music Center
ブレヴァード音楽センター 教授

Director, Anatomy of Sound: A Workshop for Flutists
フルート奏者のためのワークショップ「音の解剖学」 ディレクター

Director, MPULSE Summer Flute Institute for Advanced Flutists
上級フルート奏者のための MPULSE夏期フルートコース ディレクター

Amy Porter - School of Music, Theatre & Dance, University of Michigan (English)
エイミー・ポーター - ミシガン大学音楽学部(英語)

Amy Porter (English)

The insights and philosophy of Amy Porter (English)

Trio Virado (English)

Brevard Music Center (English)

Anatomy of Sound: A Workshop for Flutists (English)

MPULSE Summer Flute Institute for Advanced Flutists (English)
上級フルート奏者のための MPULSE夏期フルートコース(英語)

SAM, Sciolino Artist Management (English)

In a versatile and distinguished career as one of the world’s leading concert performers, American flutist Amy Porter has become one of the most skillful and creative muses for composers of our time. Critics uniquely note her “strength, beauty, a captivating and seductive force, sensitivity, perfection and a sense of humor.” Ms. Porter combines her exceptional musical talent with her passion for scholarship and her musical achievements have resulted in many awards and accolades for her concerts and discography. Regarding German composer Sigfrid Karg-Elert, a reviewer from Spain notes, “from the other world he has been inspired and taking pride in the soul of his true muse, Amy Porter.”

Ms. Porter first leapt to international attention winning the Third Kobe International Flute Competition in Japan, which led to invitations to perform throughout the world. In 2005 she returned to Kobe, Japan to serve as the American jury member at the Sixth Kobe International Flute Competition. In 2001 she won the Paris/Ville d’Avray International Flute Competition in France, combined with the Alphonse Leduc Prize for outstanding musicianship. In the United States, Ms. Porter has won first prizes in the Young Artists Competitions of the National Flute Association, Artists International, Ima Hogg, and Flute Talk, among others. In 2006 Ms. Porter became the first performing artist by the University of Michigan to be named a Henry Russel Award recipient for distinguished scholarship and conspicuous ability as a teacher.

Ms. Porter is a Haynes Artist who performs recitals in the major concert halls of Asia and the United States with pianist Christopher Harding. She has performed as concerto soloist with orchestras throughout the world. Ms. Porter has been heard in recital on National Public Radio, highlighted on PBS Live From Lincoln Center. She has been featured on the covers and written articles for Flute Talk Magazine in the USA and The Flute Magazine in Japan.

An avid arranger and editor of educational study guides, Carl Fischer Publishers produced Ms. Porter’s arrangement of the Six Cello Suites by J.S. Bach for Flute. Simultaneously she released a two-CD set of selections from the Cello Suites, recorded in Ann Arbor’s historic Hill Auditorium. Her latest Study Guide is "THE GAUBERT CYCLE: The Complete Works for Flute and Piano by Philippe Gaubert" with guests Tim Carey and Penelope Fischer. Her latest CD is with Trio Virado (violist Juan-Miguel Hernandez and guitarist Joao Luiz) is Mangabeira featuring works and premieres by Piazolla, Hand, Brouwer, Assad and Luiz.

A native of Wilmington, Delaware, Ms. Porter is a graduate of the Juilliard School in New York. Her teachers at Juilliard were Samuel Baron and Jeanne Baxtresser, and in Austria her teachers were Alain Marion and Peter-Lukas Graf. After Juilliard, she held the position of Associate Principal Flute in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra for eight years before becoming Professor of Flute at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance in Ann Arbor. Recently she was appointed as Principal Flute of the Brevard Music Center (NC) for the 2018 season. She is the founder and Past President of the non-profit Southeast Michigan Flute Association. She is founder of the popular workshop, “Amy Porter’s Anatomy of Sound” held annually in Ann Arbor with Professor of Theatre (Movement) Jerald Schwiebert and internationally renowned guests. She also is the master teacher for the MPULSE Summer Institute for advanced High School students at U of M.

(Japanese translation will be provided soon. / 日本語訳準備中)

ご本人提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2018年4月
Created based on information provided by Ms. Porter. / April, 2018

Andrea LIEBERKNECHT (Germany)
アンドレア・リーバークネヒト (ドイツ)

2nd prize (no first prize awarded) at the 3rd KIFC, 1993
1993年 第3回コンクール第2位(1位なし)

Professor, University of Music and Performing Arts Munich
ミュンヘン音楽・演劇大学 教授

Andrea Lieberknecht (German & English)
アンドレア・リーバークネヒト(ドイツ語 & 英語)

Hochschule für Musik und Theater München (German)

ご本人提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2018年5月
Created based on information provided by Ms. Lieberknecht. / May, 2018

高木 綾子 (日本)
Ayako TAKAGI (Japan)

2005年 第6回コンクール第3位
3rd prize at the 6th KIFC, 2005

1997年 第4回コンクール奨励賞
Encouragement Award prize at the 4th KIFC, 1997

Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts

神戸市民文化振興財団提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2016年9月
Created based on information provided by Kobe Cultural Foundation / Sep, 2016

Denis LOUPATCHEV (Russia)
デニス・ルパチェフ (ロシア)

Encouragement Award at the 4th KIFC, 1997
1997年 第4回コンクール奨励賞

Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra

Denis Lupachev - Mariinsky Theater Orchestra (English)
デニス・ルパチェフ - マリンスキー劇場管弦楽団(英語)

Denis Lupachev Facebook (English & Russian)
デニス・ルパチェフ フェイスブック(英語 & ロシア語)

Denis Lupachev - Sankyo Flute (English / 英語)
デニス・ルパチェフ - 三響フルート(日本語 / Japanese)

Born in 1975 in a musical family Denis Lupachev studied at the Special Music School of the St.-Petersburg State Conservatoire, then in Paris at the CNSM (prof. Alain Marion) and the St.-Petersburg State Conservatoire (prof. Gleb Nikitin). Afterwards post-graduate studies in Munich at the Hochschule fur Musik of Munich (prof. Andras Adorjan), graduating in 2002.

In 1993 Denis Lupachev won the first prize at the International Festival "Virtuosi 2000" (Russia), in 1997 he received the special prize of the jury in the Kobe International Flute Competition(Japan). In 1999 - first prize at the "Leonardo de Lorenzo" International Flute Competition (Italy).

As a soloist performed with Moscow State Chamber Orchestra, Ekaterinburg Philharmonic Orchestra, St.-Petersburg Camerata, Novosibirsk Chamber Orchestra, Samara Philharmonic Orchestra as well as the Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra under such conductors as Gianandrea Noseda, Saulus Sondetskis, Tugan Sokhiev,Mikhail Agrest .

Denis Lupachev gives many recitals and chamber music concerts in Russia as well as in Europe.

Since 2016 organizes Festival “Virtuosi of the Flute” in St.-Petersburg in which took part Denis Bouriakov and Emmanuel Pahud.

Gives regularly master classes being the Professor of the St.-Petersburg State Conservatoire.

Artist of Sankyo flute, playing 14K white gold and 24K gold.

Since 1998 is the Principal flute of the Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra.
2011-2013 Alternate Solo-flute of the Norwegian Opera (Oslo).

(Japanese translation will be provided soon. / 日本語訳準備中)

ご本人提供の情報に基づいて作成 / 2018年5月
Created based on information provided by Ms. Lupachev. / May, 2018