『Once in a life time opportunity!』 -5ページ目

「holy shit!!!」

「I changed my mind.」

I decided to go to Victoria UNIV for studing business.

There are two ways, one is to stusy at Ashton UNIV that is located in Vancouver, the other is Victoria UNIV.

If I choose the first, I could study about business with Korean and Japanese.

In contrast, if I selected the second, I could study with Canadian.

Why am I here?

I am thinking that...

My purpose is to get 860 points of the TOEIC test, and also I wanna know about people's mind or culture that I can understand essence useing English.

But, recently, I think the TOEIC doesn't connect with the English skills such as speaking and writing.

A lot of people who have high score don't speak English well.

I made a achievement like measurable, so I chose the TOEIC.

Anyway, I'm gonna take the TOEIC test someday, but my motivation is getting down.

How can I achieve these purposes?

Well, I think this is the best way that is to study with Canadian.

Because, I can improve my speaking and listening and also I could know Canadian mind.

Now, I think the ESL school doesn't be suitable for me.

The ESL means "English Second Language".

So, of course, the students aren't native speaker.

That means we are talikng with ESL students of 80 percents per a day.

How do you think of that?

It is pretty long, isn't it?

In adittion, ESL's English is not real.

It's quite differernt of native English.

If you go to the super store, you hear 'Do you need a bag?'.

I guess you can't undeastand what he or she is saying.

Because, we are learning ESL English, not native's.

I wanna learn about slang or real conversation.

I don't wanna learn Japanese poronunciation.

This is the once in a life time opportunity for me.

I'm gonna seize this!


「gay pride parade」

It was very exciting!!!!!

It was held at Robson st and Demman st.






While the parade was working, every one was yelling 'FOuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!' that I like.

Also, me and my friends shouted a lot.

Of course, I got some sexcual goods such as condoms, lotions, and papers...lol

My friends got fuckn' erotic book....

It's so weird and disgusting, you know Canadian sexcual books that don't have mosaic, so some symbols come out!!! OH SHIT!!!!

Gay marriage legalized in Canada.

You know Canada has immigrated a lot of people from all over the world.

Therefore, there are lot of ideas, thoughts, races, customs, religion, and so on...

I think Canada has been accepting the immigration, so Canada has to admit their ideas.

Becase, if the government reject them, Canadian system is gonna be broken.

I mean immigration.

How do you think of that?

PLZ add your comment.
