Sleep can be a tricky thing, especially for teenagers. They’re at an age where they’re growing a lot, and their bodies need more sleep than adults. Ideally, they should aim for nine to ten hours of sleep, maybe even up to eleven.

But there are sneaky things that steal away their precious sleep time. Picture this: too much school stuff, endless screen time on gadgets, too many video games, non-stop chatting on the phone, general stress, and specific stress like exams or friendship troubles. Also, loads of after-school activities, especially sports, can tire them out. Even watching intense stuff on TV before bed can mess with their sleep vibes.

Now, why does it matter? Well, poor sleep can lead to some not-so-fun consequences. Picture this: accidents, grumpy behavior, feeling all down and anxious, trouble remembering things, slower reactions, munching on snacks all the time, and gaining weight because their sleep-deprived hormones are acting up.

But here’s where parents can swoop in to save the day. You can be a sleep superhero! First off, show them the way by having a regular bedtime and wake-up time for the whole family. A good breakfast with protein is like a superhero power-up, keeping cravings at bay.

Watch out for sneaky caffeine too. Energy drinks might seem cool, but cutting back can make sleep better in the long run. Family dinners are like team meetings—make time for them a few nights a week. And bedtime routines aren’t just for little kids; teens can benefit from a chill routine too, like a relaxing shower and some light reading.

One big rule: no electronic gadgets in their bedroom! It’s a distraction-free zone for quality sleep. So, gear up, parents! Your teen’s sleep superhero cape awaits.