? A motor vehicle accident attorney handles the careless aspect of a car accident. Car wrecks may be averted but one should keep two thing in mind: You can't evade negligence nor an accident. Negligence implies that an individual provoked a wreck by behaving in a manner that a rational individual could not foresee. Nevertheless, sometimes you possess the power to potentially ward off a wreck. Driving too Fast Many of the negligence suits that any car accident attorney files have to do with a driver that was going way too fast. Whenever you speed up, you increase your breaking distance and increase the force of any impact you're involved in. Remember to slow down and to adhere to the speed limit. The speed limit is an estimate of the fastest speed that you can go and still be in control on the road it's posted on. Going faster is always a risk and causes many wrecks. Slamming on the Brakes When your car begins to skid, you're completely out of control of the vehicle. If you have anti-lock brakes, your car will automatically make sure that the brakes don't lock up. In older and less-expensive vehicles, however, you can easily lock your brakes and, when the tires stop moving, the car is going to travel straight into whatever's in front of it. Break thoroughly without slamming them. If you're practically standing on the brake pedal, you have no control over where you're headed. Inattention When you're driving, you should be driving and doing nothing but. Consider skipping the travel mug of coffee, the morning cigarettes or munchies and anything else that takes your attention off the road. Turn off your cell phone. People like to think that they can multitask well, but studies have conclusively shown that, when people multitask, they do every activity much worse than they would if they were concentrating. Driving is something that demands your full attention. Weather If the weather gets bad, slow down. This is the best way to keep yourself safe. Do not judge the safe driving speed for any conditions based on emergency vehicles, semis or police vehicles. Those are driven by professional drivers and, truth be told, they drive much better than you. The best way to judge this is: If you think you're going to fast, you are going too fast.