To overseas Haruppi's fans #06 | 兒玉遥選挙対策本部 公式ブログ

兒玉遥選挙対策本部 公式ブログ

HKT48/AKB48 はるっぴこと兒玉遥さんを応援するファン組織「兒玉遥選挙対策本部」です。AKB48選抜総選挙をはじめ、すべての分野で はるっぴを応援!ぜひご一緒に、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます♬

Hello everyone
This is TONARINO JEDAIPPI in charge of data analysis.
The third round is about the "AKB48 Selected General Elections".

It is held this year or has not yet been announced *, but I chose this theme , because it is likely to be announced in this three consecutive holidays日本.

(* It was announced on 20th March that it will be held in Okinawa on 17th June)

In the election general election this time, I would like to think about "candidacy system".

From the 6th general elected general election held in 2014, it introduce a candidacy system. 

At that time graduates were also able to rank candidates,

but in the last and two years ago, only active members can now run for candidacy.

As the members who did not run candidates graduated a lot,
No candidacyショボーン =  She would  graduateガーン
There is an image that is also part of the reason that the election is not excited.

However, this discussion is suspicious, and there is a possibility that members who are not candidates may be forced to graduate from the 48group management company .


In other words, there are even rumors that the pressure of "graduate if you do not go to the elections" is applied. (It does not apply to super select members)

Either way, general elections are obliged to participate as long as you are in this group.

It is another thing to run for candidacy and aim for rank in....


メラメラIssue # 1  

As a matter of principle, should 48 group members be ranked in?

There are four types of members who are important to rank in the election in the current AKB 48 group as follows.
① Members who are fighting for the top or are about to join (Super Selected)
② Members aiming for super-selection (regular selection) (the ranking of last year is over under girls)
③ AKB 48, members who want to keep their current position in each sister group, or members wanting to be a center in each sister group
④ Members to be recommended under circumstances in which it is wondering who should recommend the group management company

Conversely, there are few benefits of members ranked in if they do not apply to the above!


メラメラ Issue # 2

It is important to keep ranking in, otherwise it is not worth.

The rank in is a double - edged sword (there are both merits and demerits).

If you ran into ranking before popularity and ability are not equipped, dropping the rank the following year or falling out of the range,

the image of the disappears will be attached and it will be more damage than not running. Elections are just one means of self-production of 48 group members.

It is one of a wide range of activities such as shaking hands meeting, SNS such as Google+, mobile games, "PCshowroomスマホ", and the general election is

on the extension line of that activity.

Even if the member ran for the general election, we must not forget that the response to the election varies depending on the activities of the members.

Next time is "Rank in".