ラジオ英会話 ~(210)2024/2/16(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




Listening Challenge


What's the problem with the woman's bag?


a) The bag looks different from the picture on the website.

b) She bought the bag at the wrong price.

c) The handles of the bag fell off.(取っ手がとれて




What did Deepak learn he needed to do?


a) Go to the city office again.

b) Pay tax.

c) Do weight training.




Which of the following is true?


a) Derek is considering rejoining the band.

b) Derek is worried Cynthia feels blue.(落ち込む

c) Cynthia and Derek met recently.




What does Doug think about Shiho's idea?


a) He likes it, but he thinks they need more origami paper.

b) He thinks that it takes too much effort.(労力がかかりすぎると思っている

c) He thinks the guests would prefer a crane machine.(クレインゲーム



Say It in English



It looks like your ex asked Helen out.


ー Really? What a relief! Even after we broke up, he kept calling me everyday, and it made me sick. That’s a huge weight off my shoulders! I can finally relax.

新調したジャケットで出社して同僚は褒めてくれたが、今朝大きな失敗をしていた その事情を話す

That’s a nice jacket you’re wearing.

―Oh, thanks. Actually, I made a terrible mistake this morning. I forgot to remove the big price tag from it and went to meet an important client. The guy was laughing so hard. It was so embarrassing!


*大きな失敗をする: make a terrible mistake