ラジオ英会話 ~(207)2024/2/13(火)感情22:心の平静


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

It’s a huge weight off my shoulders. 



Dialogue インド料理店経営のディーパクがお客のバーバラが話をする
B: So, Deepak, you were worried about your taxes. Did you go to the city office?

D: Yes, I did. I found out I don’t have to pay much.

B: That’s good news!

D: Yes, it’s a huge weight off my shoulders. I thought I would have to pay more.

B: You should hire an accountant.

D: I’ve been thinking about that for a while. Do you know anybody good?

B: I can ask around.

D: You’re always so helpful, Barbara.

B: Well, I do what I can.


*worry about ~ :~が心配  

*accountant: 会計士

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) have to 客観的な必要性
I found out that I don’t have to pay much. (私は、たくさん払わなくてもよいことがわかりました


2) I’ve been thinking about that for a while. (私はそのことについてしばらくずっと考えていました




Typical Expressions 心の平静
It’s a huge weight off my shoulders. (肩から大きな荷が下りた気持ちです



That’s a load off my mind. (肩の荷が下りました
I feel so much lighter now. (今はずっと気楽です


What a relief! (ほっとしました!
I can finally relax. (やっとリラックスできます


Calm down. (落ち着いて

Settle down.  


Chill out. 

Chill. (落ち着いて

Easy, easy. (まぁ、まぁ


Get a grip.

Get a hold of yourself. (落ち着いて



Typical Expressions in Action
1) You’ll talk to Andy for me? That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. Thank you so much.

2) The meeting was cancelled? What a relief! I wasn’t ready for it at all.

3) Chill out, Kyle. It’s just a video game. There’s no need to get angry.