ラジオ英会話 ~(201)2024/2/05(月)感情17:驚きを表す:基本表現

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




Key Sentence

I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw him.


Dialogue ソウタとマサミがゼイトクスについて話をする
S: Hi, Masami. Where’s Zaytox?

M: He’s taking a walk. He said he was bored.

S: But what if somebody sees him?

M: He’s wearing a costume. People will think he’s a mascot of some kind.

S: Yeah. He kind of looks like one.

M: Right. He’s big and round. I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw him.

S: It’s also unbelievable that he beat the AI shogi problem.

M: Now he wants to play against people online.

S: Zaytox really loves shogi.




Grammar and Vocabulary

1) What if ~? What (will happen) if~?
What if somebody sees him? (誰かが彼を見たらどうなるのですか?


2) It’s also unbelievable that he beat the AI shogi program. (彼がAI将棋ソフトに勝ったことも信じられません



Typical Expressins  驚きを表す基本表現
I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw him. (初めて彼にあったとき私はほとんど自分の目を信じることができませんでした

I was surprised to hear the news. (そのニュースを聞いて驚きました

The news was surprising. (そのニュースは驚きでした


That’s unbelievable! (それは信じられません!

That’s incredible!



It’s unbelievable that ~. (~なんて信じられません



Can you believe that? (信じられるかい?
I can’t believe it. (信じられません



I was blown away when I heard he won. (彼が勝ったと聞いたとき本当にびっくりしました




Typical Expressions in Action
1) I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw my test score. A perfect 100!


2) It’s unbelievable that a house this big was so affordable. How did you find it?


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