ラジオ英会話 ~(191)2024/1/22(月)感情9:満足


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence
Are you satisfied with this angle?



Dialogue キャスパーとスマホを操作するアレクシス
C: Hi, Alexis, do you need some help with that?

A: Sure. I’m trying to position my phone camera correctly?

C: Yeah, it’s hard. Are you satisfied with this angle?

A: Yes, that’s perfect. Thanks.

C: What’s this for?

A: I’m starting an internet video channel. I want to share my advice on fashion.

C: Oh, I didn’t know you wanted to do that.

A: Yeah, it’s been a long-time dream of mine.

C: Good luck. Your channel might become more popular than mine.

A: We’ll see.


*position 適当な場所・位置に置く
*We’ll see. (さあどうかしら

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) What’s this for?  (これは何のためなんでしょうか?


2) Your channel might become more popular than mine. (ひょっとすると、あなたのチャンネルの方が私より人気が出るかも知れません



Typical Expressions 満足を表す
Are you satisfied with this angle? (あなたはこのアングルで満足でしょうか?


The result was satisfying. (その結果は満足できるものでした


I was happy with the result. (私はその結果に満足でした

I was pleased with the result.

I was content with the result.


Are you comfortable with our plan? (私たちのプランに問題はありませんか?


I’m dissatisfied with the room.(私はその部屋に満足していません

I’m not satisfied with the room.
It’s a dream come true. (夢がかないました





Typical Expressions in Action
1) You’ve had the same job position for ten years. Are you satisfied with that?


2) I love crosswords. Completing the puzzle is so satisfying.


3) How can you be dissatisfied with this house? It has everything a person could ask for.


to be continued