ラジオ英会話 ~(152)2023/11/21(火)安全・安全性判断

In space no one can hear your scream・・・

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans





Let’s play it safe and put on our spacesuits.




Dialogue   地球に帰還しているアキラと同乗の副操縦士のセリーン
A: Whoa, it’s good to be in space again.

S: Yes, there’s nothing like flying through space.

A: How long have you been an astronaut, Selene?

S: Almost 15 years now. Don’t tell anyone.

A: Wow, you’re a veteran. (ぶつかった音) What was that?

S: I don’t know. Let’s play it safe and put on our spacesuits.

A: Good idea. We’ll be protected in case there’s an air leak.

S: Should we contact Houston Control?

A: Yes, let’s contact Megan. It’s best to keep her in the loop.



*play it safe: 安全策をとる  

*air leak: 空気漏れ

*keep A in the loop: Aを輪の中に入れておく

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) 説明ルール
There’s nothing like flying through space. (宇宙空間を飛行するようなことはありません


2) It’s best to keep her in the loop. (彼女に常に最新情報を知らせておくのがいちばんです




Typical Expressions
Let’s play it safe and put on our spacesuits. (安全策をとって宇宙服を着用しましょう



It’s safe to make a backup copy. (バックアップを作っておくほうが安全です
This area is as safe as houses. (このエリアはとても安全です



It’s risky to walk alone at night around here. (この辺りで夜の一人歩きは危険です

You should avoid anything risky. (リスクのあることを避けるべきです
You should stay way from anything risky. (リスクのあることに近づかないようにするべきです

You should keep way from anything risky.

Don’t take risks. (リスクを冒すな


Take an umbrella in case it rains. 

Take an umbrella just to be safe. (念のため、傘を持っていきなさい

Take an umbrella just to be on the safe side.

Take an umbrella. You can never be too careful.  (傘を持っていきなさい。用心しすぎることはありませんよ

Take an umbrella. You can never be too cautious.





Typical Expressions in Action
1) You’d better play it safe and leave early. Train delays are the norm here.

2) It’s too risky to climb that mountain without a guide. Don’t go alone.


3) Be sure to bring some snacks in case you get hungry. It’s a long drive to Yamagata from here.


to be continued