ラジオ英会話 ~(142)2023/11/07(月)可能性 (2): 強い確信を示す


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans




I have no doubt that he’ll let you join.


Dialogue   将棋クラブの部員のマサミと異星人ゼイトックスが話す
M: Zaytox, thanks for waiting. (おまたせ

Z: It’s no problem. What did Sota think about me joining the shogi club?

M: He’s not sure, but I have no doubt that he’ll let you join.

Z: Excellent. I like playing shogi.

M: Why don’t you practice playing with our members in the meantime?

Z: Yes, that would be fun.

M: You just learned the rules, so you need to practice.

Z: Let’s do it. I’m getting hungry, though. How about going to the vegan ramen place first?

M: Sounds like a plan! (それはいい考えですね




*in the meantime:とりあえず、さしあたり




Grammar and Vocabilary

1) What did Sota think about me joining the shogi club?  (ソウタは私が将棋クラブに入ることをどう思いましたか?


2) 助動詞の過去形は控えめ
That would be fun. (そうなったら楽しいでしょうね




Typical Expressions   強い確信を示す
I have no doubt that he’ll let you join. (間違いなく、彼はあなたを参加させてくれるでしょう




I’m sure he’ll understand. (彼はきっと理解してくれると思います

I’m certain he’ll understand.(客観性

I’m convinced he’ll understand.(convinced: copletely certain 客観性




He is sure to win. (彼は必ず勝ちます

He is bound to win. 



Without a shadow of a doubt they’ll win. (一点の疑いもなく、彼らは勝つでしょう

Beyond a shadow of a doubt they’ll win.


In all likelihood they’ll win. (十中八九彼らは勝つでしょう


I guarantee you she’ll say yes. (彼女は はいと言います、保証しますよ




Typical Expressions in Action
1) I have no doubt that you’ll find a solution. You’re a brilliant scientist.

2) I’m convinced that this house is haunted. Nothing stays where I put it.(置いた所に




to be continued