ラジオビジネス英語 2023/5/24(水)L 27 タクシーでオフィスに戻る







E: Ugh, Quite a day!


L: Is everything OK?


E: Oh, Just a little tired. Are you good?


L: I'm fine. How did you feel talking to everyone today?


E: It was interesting―I think when you're facing collectors like I am, it's all about sales figures. How many bottles of which expensive wine did you sell month...that kind of talk.


L: I see. 


E: You tend to brush over the grassroots side of wine. But all the prestigious brands we know today—they all had humble beginnings. I think today, I was reminded how people like Pascal want to support new,upcoming wineries and protect the wine industry in the long run.


L: Yes, he's very passinate about supporting startups. I think it's because he also struggled starting up that restaurant.


E: Also, he was very polite, but clearly, he wants more variety in our natural wine lineup!



Words and Phrases

*brush over: (問題などを)軽視する、軽く扱う

*grassroots: 草の根の

*all the prestigious brands we know today—they all


*humble: つつましい

*struggle: 苦労する






Business Phrase of the Day

He’s very passionate about supporting startups.


Sophie is a passionate believer in quality education.



Paul gave a passionate speech on promoting art.





Alternative Expressions

enthusiastic: 熱中している

The reserch team members are enthusiastic about the space project.


energetic: 精力的な

We need to be more energetic in customer acquision.






Upgrade Your communication Skills



A: Phew, that was a tough negociation. We knew they wouldn't accept our proposals straight away, but they really played hardball right from the beginning.


B: Indeed, They tried to throw us off balance. But because of Bob's aggresive stance, their intention became clear, and we were able to rethink our strategy.




A: Ugh, it's been a long day. I'm exhausted. I didn't feel jetlagged during the day, but somehow, I suddenly feel sleepy.


B: That's understandable. Day and night are completely opposite in Japan and the US. I recommend taking a bath before going to bed. It improves blood circulation and helps you sleep better.


*blood circulation:血行





To be continued