ラジオビジネス英語 2023/5/8(月)L 17 パンデミックの影響について報告する


What to say /How to say itに焦点







E: So, thanks for coming in today. It's great to finally meet face to face.


R: The pleasure is ours.


E: So, today will be intensive ― we must leave no stone unturned. We have our views in London as to how the last few years have been for WCS and how we see the market going forward.  We'd like to see how these coinside with your perspectives here in Tokyo. Daniel, could you lead us into our first topic?


D: So, our first topic is how the pandemic has affected you and how things are improving. Ron, could you give us an overview?


R: Sure. As for the well-established Bordeaux and Burgundy wines, both collectors and producers are happy. But with less established wines, we aren't selling enough to keep the producers finacially stable or offering enough variety to keep our customers interested. I think our "traditional" image is hurting us.



WordS and Phrases

*intensive: 集中した

*today will be intensive: 今日は突っ込んだ議論になる

*leave no stone unturned: あらゆる可能性を検討する

*going forward: 今後は

*coinside with: (考え、意見などが)~と一致する、重なる

*overview: 概要、全体像

*well-established: 知名度が高い、定評のある

*variety: 種類、多様さ






Business Phrase of the Day

We must leave no stone unturned. (←ひっくかえさない石はないようにする


The government will leave no stone unturned to avoid financial crisis.

*financial crisis: 金融危機



We must leave no stone unturned to keep the business running.





Alternative Expressions

1 explore all avenues  あらゆる手段を講じる (←すべての道を探求する

We must explore all avenues to protect ourselves from a takeover.


2 do everything...can  手を尽くす

We must do everything we can [possible] to move things forward. (物事を前進させるために




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We have delivered another year of steady progress with improvements in both sales and operating profit. We're not planning to raise production too quickly because of supply-chain and labor constraints, but we expect the current momentum to continue.





The logistics industry has benefited from so-called "stay-at-home consumption" during the pandemic, and our company is no exception. Despite the uncertain economic outlook, we believe that busness performance will remain steady.


*remain steady




To be continued