ラジオビジネス英語 2023/3/21 (火) L71 今後について語る





Dialogue  転勤の打診を受けたHenryとKanaの会話


H: Sleep well last night?


K: Not really... I didn't expect to be offered a transfer during business trip. Tokyo hasn't told me anything yet.


H: I guess that is an American way to do business. Top management likes to cherry-pick the best person for an important position. Are you considering the offer?


K: Well, I'm not exactly sure... It's not like I have family to worry about. It's a position I'm interested in, but I'll have to ask my boss in Tokyo first. How about you, Henry?


H: I talked to Isabella last night. She was, like, go for it!  


K: Seriously? Just like that?


H: Well, of course there were a few more words! That said, I wonder what kind job she'll find in Tokyo.


K: Well, I'm sure we'll all find a way.


H: I'll leave it to destiny, then.



Words and Phrases

*top management: 最高幹部

*cherry-pick: 用心深く選ぶ

*I'm not exactly sure...:決めかねている

*It's not like:~ということでない

*She was, like, go for it! :彼女は頑張れ!という感じでした

*That said,:とはいえ

*I'm sure we'll all find a way.:だれでも必ず道は開けるものですよ

*leave it to:~に委ねる






Business Phrase of the Day

I'll leave it to destiny. 運命に決めてもらう


1 Now, we must leave it all to chance. あとは全て運に任せる

2 I'll leave it to everyone here to decide what to do next.

3 We'll leave it up to management to decide. 経営側の判断に任せましょう





Alternative Expressions



1 We did what we could. Now, we just let nature take[run] its course. できることはやりました。あとは成り行きに任せるだけですね

2 Well, what else can we do? Now, we'll have to roll the dice on it. あとは運に任せるしかないですね

3 In this particular case, maybe it's better to go with the flow. この場合に限って自然体で臨んだ方がいいのかもしてませんね





Upgrade Your Communication Skills



A: We thought our company would be chosen for this infrastructure project. It's very disappointing because we were so close. If I had been able to convince the CEO at the previous meeting, we might have been...


B: Stop beating yourself up over this. We may have failed this time, but we win or lose together. It's not the end of the world, and there's a lot we can learn from this experience. Take it as a stepping stone along the path to something better, and let's move onto other projects. Together, we can do it.



*because we were so close.:あと一歩だったので

*Stop beating yourself up over this.:自分を責めるのはやめてください

*It's not the end of the world.:これで終わりだというわけではない

*stepping stone:足ががり

*Together, we can do it.:一緒に頑張ればできますよ




To be continued