

Chris/Rosa/ Yoshi Bobby




We also have 5 new running machines.




Dialogue  Bobbyがトレイナーを務めるジムにYoshiが久しぶりにやってくる


B: Oh, hi, Yoshi!I haven't seen you for ages.

Y: Hi, Bobby, I'm back. As you can see, I've gained some weight.

B: Yes, I do see that. But don't worry. You can get into shape quickly.

Y: Has anything changed at this gym?

B: Yes, we have a yoga studio now. We also have 5 new running machines.

Y: Sounds good. I like thoes machines.

B: For you, I'd recommend the hip-hop dance class. It's very popular. You, too, can transform your body.


*get into shape: 形の中に入っていく→シェイプアップできる

*transform: 一変させる



Grammar and Vocabulary

1 As you can see, I've gained some weight.

2 I do see that. (よくわかります



Feel English ~も

We also have 5 new running machines.


I'd recommend you go to the gym more often. Also you have to cut down on calories.


I love cats, too.

You, too, can transform your body.

Me, too.

Nice meet you.  Nice meet you, too.

Have a nice day!  You, too!

Really? I went to that university as well.

Please clean the sink as well as the shower.




Expression in Action  

1 Our latest cordless vaccum cleaners are lightweight. Also they come with 5-year guarantee.

2 Have a good weekend! You, too!

3 Fumico speaks Chinese and Russian as well as English.





To be continued