The philosophy of Johan Cruyff in 14 concepts

1. Teamplayer: "To accomplish things, you have to do it together"

2. Responsibility: "Take good care of things as if it was your own"

3. Respect: "Respect one another"

4. Integration: "Involve others in your activities"

5. Initiative: "Dare to try something new"

6. Coaching: "Always help each other within a team"

7. Personality: "Be yourself"

8. Social Involvement: "Crucial in sports, and even more so in life in general"

9. Technique: "The basics"

10. Tactics: "Know what to do"

11. Development: "Sports develop body and soul"

12. Learn: "Try to learn something new every day"

13. Play together: "An essential part of the game"

14. Creativity: "The beauty of sports"


