14 minutes ago - Book PDF Inner World 365 Day Journaling Boxed Set | Practice SelfCare In the SelfCare Journal, record an intention of the day. Write about what you ate and drank. Think about what was both relaxing and stressful. Increase Your SelfEsteem Using a gratitude journal has been proven to reduce social comparisons. Studies have found that gratitude increases selfesteem, and people are able to trust others on a higher level when they have more selfbelief. Practice Mindfulness Intentionally draw a breath to calm your heart rate. Eat a meal without distractions. Take a focused midday walk. Reflect on your progress in the Mindfulness Journal. Commit to a SelfCare routine Develop positive thinking, overcome challenging and stressful experiences and negative emotions, and cultivate a general sense of wellbeing. Create OffScreen WellBeing Think about what you enjoyed most during the day, the challenges you faced, and how they impacted your mood in the Unplug Journal. Live A Happier Life Write about the kind things you did for yourself to help