17 minutes ago - PDF Blush: How I Barely Survived 17 | NOBODY SAID growing up is easy. For Danielle, the safe suburbs of Kansas City always felt warm. Inviting. But one day, everything changed. Not only did she hate what puberty was doing to her body, she had spotted a few scary specks of blood after going number two. Gross. As an insecure tween who blushed during ''the talk,'' one who refused to buy toilet paper at the store, nobody could know her little secret. So she hid it from everyoneMom, Dad, her brother, and her friends. This went on ... for years.Busted. Eventually, her secret came out. Danielle was rushed to the doctor and into a colonoscopy. Shock took over when she was diagnosed with a rare colon cancer (something the internet called an ''old man's disease'') just a few weeks after her seventeenth birthday. Seriously!?High school mornings in classrooms morphed into nightmare days in cancercenter waiting rooms. Yet Danielle stayed hopeful, even grateful, for her illness. The way she saw it, fighting cancer spiced up her