
English Round Table Kyoto:
Meet The World クラッカークラッカークラッカー







My Story綴りますキスマーク

I am a florist
Now I am enjoying the flower work very much.
But 5years ago , I didn't have any interesting in flowers.

Today I'm gonna talk that
Changing place
Has changed my view and my life

①what I used to be

Since I was a kid, I used be wondering why I am alive and why people are dying. What is the meaning of my presence in this world.

The  older  I got,
My purpose to live was aiming to go to the high level university.

I just kept studying hard and went to the university which I was eager to enter.

After I obtained my goal,
I lost motivation.
I just dealed with the school works for 4 years and graduated the university,
And I entered the trading company.

Days in that company were not bad, 
That satisfied me economically and mentally .

But I couldn't help thinking 
That if I have some possibility to live more lively.

It was big division for me  to quit the job and go abroad.
I was 28 years old
and had a boyfriend who proposed me to marry him

And what I concerned most
Was my mother.
My parents had devorsed when I was a baby.
She raised me working so hard and let me graduate the university, 
Nevertheless she  is a single mother without any other finance help.
She have been hoping that I would have a steady job with stable income and marry with a man with warm heart.

I felt guilty for her.

So I made a plan as a compromise.

if I couldn't find anything in Toronto , in 1 month, I would  return to Japan and go back to the same job.
Fortunately I had a very nice seniors in that company, they supported my decision and promised me to receive me to the same position 
if I returned there in 1 month.

②what's working holiday visa system

Now I am going to explain the system of working holiday visa shortly.

The visa, allows us to stay the country for a year or 2 years ( the term is deferent depend on the countries)
We can study or work there or do nothing

Before you leave Japan,
No place to work there is guaranteed.
You have to find the job just by yourself After you arrive at the country.

③what happened me in Toronto

As I promised 
to return to Japan in 1month, if I can't find anything in Toronto

As soon as I arrived at Toronto, 
I started to find a job.

The 1st day i tried the 1st flower store in Toronto 
When I entered the door, the telephone started to ring.
the owner was talking with the employeed girl.
I guessed She said she was tired of school, and didn't go to work that day.

I felt this is the chance for me that God gave me.

After he hang up the phone,
I said 

" I want to work here."

This is how my flower career has begun.

This experience made me convince 
that if you are eager to do something and make the action for it,
In some way, the dream will come to you, if it is the right way for you.

While I have stayed in Toronto,
I learned not only the flower skills but also we can live our lives as we wish.

The flower owners were married couple,
They put priority on their family 1st.

Every the end of years
they close the shop for 2 weeks to go to vacation with their family.
They said 
"Some people call us crazy
 we can lose some customers 
Because of this vacation, 
But we decided to enjoy our life.
We don't live for money."

Every kinds of people has been
living their lives with their own decisions 

In Toronto,
Many nationalities  live together.
I met many kinds of people
With many kinds of appearances, customs,  and thoughts.
that relived me i can live my life 
Just as I like.

④after 1 year in Toronto 
After 1 year in Toronto,
I changed my mind to concentrate 
To only What I like or my heart is really willing to do that.

Now I have been working at flower shops almost for 5 years.
I felt it is shorter than it really past.
that means this 5 years was condensed for me.

⑤whats the bottom of 
Working holiday in my view 

I don't recommend to go abroad 
For all of you.
Because you can just stay in abroad doing nothing
If you are very rich

You can just keep hanging around with only Japanese people speaking Japanese if you want. 

But if you have a really strong wish that you want to change something in your life,
Changing place can give you new eyes.

We find only things that we are looking for.

What guarantee your life enriched and vividly

It's not money or social status.
It's all your feelings inside of yourself.

What defines your happiness. 
For me that is what gives me excitement.  
That is flower so far,

Who judged me?
That was myself, not my mother or others.

Who judges you
That is only yourself.