ReiraのMusic Box

ReiraのMusic Box

Kiss away the difference

you weren't meant to graduate this year
i was meant to say goodbye on your last day
i was meant to say "i'll miss you"
then i won't see you or talk to you again until we run into each other many years from now, probably.

but that never happened, none of it did

you calmed me down when i needed you the most
tbh, i just needed someone to tell me it's okay
and you were there

should i leave it at that?
soon you'll get a new phone number
soon you'll change your msn address
soon you'll disappear..
soon i'll forget about you

i don't want to, i'll miss you a lot
i'll worry a lot
.. that's just me tho

i would mind if you say you didn't care
i would mind if you didn't miss me once in a while

Right now, nothing matters.
It makes no difference what i do without you.

ha, i miss you already
I have a sneaky feeling that you are reading this blog right now.

not good.
never thought i would say this.

everything about him puts a smile on my face
i love it, i love him.

there's nothing in this world that can make me feel so..
wait, if you wear converse with a pair of those really soft home-wear socks
you get this feeling, like you're walking on clouds
it's true, but no, i wasn't talking about that.

hmm.. you probably know what i mean

i felt sick, i started to cry because of how scared i was
the moment i sat down, i couldn't see the keys on that piano
they weren't keys to me, they were just.. there
and i try to remember where to place my hands, that's not playing piano, btw

i knew i needed to talk to him soon
if i didn't, i would worry


thanks for making everything okay :)

i found everyone else, except for the one i was looking for..

dear god, what are you going to do?

it's not really that, it's just.. werid

i think it's the weather
last year, it was summer time too

i didn't plan on spending two summers eating haribos
i didn't plan any of this

Acchan got her place back, i think
i'm so happy for her, i love her :)

想到你正在为某人改变, 就特不甘心

.. 特不舒服

不过人都要成长, 难免不变

唯一能做的就是让自己消失, 从你的眼前消失

剩下的, 时间会替我们解决.