
地球の呼吸 ➡︎ #シューマン共振 による楽曲と


Breath of the Earth

 Video & audio production&kathak©2024 kunjubihari








 What is the Schumann Resonance? 

It is a 7.83Hz resonant wave that the Earth generates between the surface and the ionosphere,and is also called the breath of the Earth. 

We are also part of the Earth, so it is natural that we resonate with the Earth. 

It is a great way to adjust the vibrations of modern people, who have become too artificial, to their natural state.The raga is also an Earth raga, Bhoopali. 





上座部仏教、禅、の【śūnya= ゼロ】【空】の哲学は、難解である。それは、天界から地獄界までの現象界、存在する世界を超越する悟り。理解するのは非常に難しい。最も難解な真理は【無我】である。 










Tathāgata タターガタと言う。 





 【śūnya= ゼロ】【空】の悟りとは? 

諸行無常 諸法無我 涅槃寂静。 




 The Hindu philosophy of Oneness is understandable if the practitioner studies well. It is the path to the Supreme Being. The ultimate self is Brahman, the cosmic primordial consciousness. The Theravada and Zen philosophy of śūnya, emptiness, zero is difficult to understand. It is an enlightenment that transcends the phenomenal and existing worlds from heaven to hell. It is very difficult to understand. The most difficult truth is non-self.Some people who cannot understand Buddhism say, "Because Buddhism denies God, it is a religion of Rakshasas and Asuras," but that is not true. What they are saying is that there is no enlightenment in the impermanent world of the six realms of reincarnation where gods and demons exist. Since there is no relativity in Nirvana, there is no distinction between self and other. It is a place where there is no good or evil, day or night, gods or demons, and nothing arises or perishes. Such Buddhist enlightenment is found in a place that transcends even the highest self. Therefore, the Buddha does not say "I," but Tathāgata.This means that he is one who has left the phenomenal world of the six realms of reincarnation in this way.Non-dualism (Oneness) is the realization that the ultimate "I" is Atman, or God.What is ZERO's ( śūnya) enlightenment?Impermanence of all things, nonexistence of the self in all things, Nirvana, serenity.This is difficult to understand as long as the 'I' exists.Nirvana, the Buddha's enlightenment, is something that cannot be reached as long as the 'I' exists.

 ☆ This is a video of my Indian dance Kathak practice. I created the music for this Indian dance Kathak using Logic Pro 11.