



   The Japanese Government has apologized for unfortunate events happened during the Second World War. Think why the Japanese Government has apologized for them. It is largely because Japan is a loser of the war. Have victors like the USA apologized for crimes committed by US soldiers during the war?

   The fact that the Japanese Government has apologized for unfortunate events is extremely inconvenient to the central political agency in South Korea. It is because the agency loves to spread lies that Japan is a country which never apologizes. Since Japan is a country which admits her own faults, the evil-minded central political agency in South Korea has been spreading the mixture of lies and truth.

   Japan is a country which says, "No," to lies that seriously damage her own national security. Since the evil-minded political agency in South Korea knows the nature of Japan, it has been spreading the mixture of lies and truth. When Japan denies the lying parts of the mixture of lies and truth, the evil-minded agency loves to say that Japan is a liar. A liar claims that others are liars to conceal her own lies. THIS IS THE NATURE OF THE EVIL-MINED CENTRAL POLITICAL AGENCY IN SOUTH KOREA.

