てくてく生活 -2ページ目


Japan (Tokyo)/Australia (Tasmania)/ Belgium (Leuven)/Hawaii (Hilo)/California (Los Angeles)/ Washington (Seattle)


There are absolutely certain things that I wouldn’t need to do yet doing regularly without thinking much.

I am currently in a point of my life that I’m needing to cleanse/rethink/reflect what I no longer need and what I really want from bottom of my heart in my life moving forward. 

This also means to set up a new mindset and a daily routine for myself to live a life I want to live. 

To be honest with you, I wasn’t probably respecting much of how I truly am. 

Having an ideal figure of how you want to be(“goal”) is often times said good, but what is that “ideal figure”?

Where did that ideal figure come from?
Why do I want to be that “ideal person”?

For instance, I was thinking a person who’s always cheerful and bright, good at talking and social, loving and be admired by many are some of the few treats of my ideal person.

I’m starting to question myself lately,
Why do I want to be that person? 

Some of these traits may came from the norm of ideal images in a current society, so I’m trying to feel my comfort and know how I am.

Last year when I looked around in my room, I realized I was surrounded by so much of what I didn’t choose consciously. It wasn’t bringing me the joy.

I always thought my room reflects my conditions as when I (my mind) was so busy my room was also in a mess. This also made me think that my life is reflected in my surroundings.

That means, I can’t simply let my place be a shelter for things and clutter my comfort and make myself/my life so confused in chaos. 

I can’t be ignorant of things invading my comfort.

I need to be the one to make sure I’m happy, or at least try to make myself happy.

This made me be a little more conscious of what I purchase since then. I at least need to be choosing what I want to bring into my personal space.

After all, one day (on July 18th, 2020) when I was packing my stuffs for several days trip, I was surrounded by what I have consciously chosen. 

That moment I realized I was in full excitement and felt the joy of surrounding myself only with the things I truly love and care for. (This also results in me taking care of things better.) 

I also know that the life is not necessary about materials, but at the same time, this showed me how I cared for myself. 

One of my goals for 2020 I set at the beginning of the year was to “consciously chose what I love and have care for.”

Now I’m looking back, I’m proud of myself for staying on this goal in some ways till August without being so conscious about my goals.

While me doing these daily, I became more conscious of my choices as well. 

- How things were made
- How does this impact on the environment
- Do I have enough reasons to get it
- Do I make a full use of it
- Do I cherish it and have care for years onwards
- Do I really want it

Now I’m welcoming less stuffs to come in as well because I’m trying to declutter my belongings first. 

Slowly decluttering, yet slowly becoming little more simpler.

This year, if not achieved then by end of 2021(because I have collected way too many stuffs..!!), I hope I’m surrounding myself with only the things I love.