"Book Synopsis : SUGAR BUSTERS!&#174 forever changed the way Americans eat, offering a delicious new approach to diet and health. The SUGAR BUSTERS!&#174 Shopper&#8217s Guide soon followed&#8211and made finding SUGAR BUSTERS!&#174-friendly fare at the grocery store and supermarket a snap. Now, five years later, this revolutionary little guide has been completely revised and updated to include more food selections and more brand names than ever before.Forget measuring, weighing, and counting fat grams and calories. Throw those charts and graphs out the door! Organized like your grocery store, this handy book takes you aisle by aisle, department by department, pointing out exactly what you can and cannot eat, including: &#8226 fresh produce &#8226 meat &#8226 seafood &#8226 dairy&#8226 deli &#8226 bakery/breads &#8226 beverages&#8226 snacks &#8226 prepared foods &#8226 condimentsAlso includes essential tips for lite-weight travel and reading food labels

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