"Book Synopsis : Originally published as 24 newspaper columns from 1859 to 1861, Mrs. Beeton&#8217s Book of Household Management was at first a guide to managing a household. Today it is a fascinating look at the past and a guide to forgotten skills that can be used today. Beeton wrote, &#8220As with the commander of an army, or the leader of any enterprise, so is it with the mistress of a house.&#8221 Running an extravagant household was a monumental task and a responsibility not to be taken lightly. It meant supervising every employee, from the butler to the laundry-maid to the footman and the wet nurse. It meant managing the safety, happiness, comfort, and well-being of the family. Chapters include:The HousekeeperArrangement and Economy of the KitchenIntroduction to CookerGeneral Directions for Making SoupRecipes: FishRecipes: Pork and HamRecipes: Poultry and RabbitAnd much more! In addition to offering advice on a wide range of domestic topics, this abridged edition of Mrs. Beeton&#8217s Book of Household Management contains hundreds of original recipes. A compendium of practical information about everything from animal husbandry to child care, this Victorian classic is both fascinating and still useful. Sarah A. Chrisman, author of Victorian Secrets and This Victorian Life provides the foreword, reflecting on how she uses Mrs. Beeton&#8217s advice on a daily basis.

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