"Book Synopsis : The Ketogenic diet has been wildly popular for several years. In fact, you may feel like everyone you know is on the keto diet&#8212or at least has tried to live life on the keto diet. That&#8217s where many people run into a pitfall. Keto is often seen as being unsustainable for the long term. That&#8217s where nutritionist, personal trainer, and health coach Tara Garrison comes in with her expert advice about the proven benefits of a shorter-duration keto plan. In Short-Term Keto, Garrison explains why the keto diet makes sense and shares success stories from people who&#8217ve made it work. Then she explains how to increase your chance for success if you&#8217re new to keto or how to reintroduce carbs if you&#8217ve used keto to meet your goal and need to maintain your health and weight loss. Garrison&#8217s plan enables you to customize your meals for the carb count that&#8217s right for you. She describes different eating models&#8212One Meal a Day, Targeted Ketogenic Diet, and Cyclical Ketogenic Diet&#8212so that you can listen to your body&#8217s cues to follow the plan that suits you best. She even includes recommendations for athletes whose carb needs may vary because of events, performance goals, and weight changes. Garrison&#8217s delicious recipes, complete with carb counts, will help you find the inspiration to feed yourself well for the long term!

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