tokyo rising


Whenever I write in this blog, it's like i'm blogging into the future. You see, I am not natively from Japan. I reside in California, within the San Francisco Bay Area. Specifically, a city called Vallejo. Vallejo is bordered by Benicia and the well known Napa and the surrounding Napa Valley. Vallejo is well known for it support of the "thizz nation" and the rising rap star E-40 (aka Charlie Husslie aka 40 Fonzarelli aka 40 Water, etc.). But anyways, my point is that i'm not in Japan. I'm in the United States.

As you well know, there is a time differencial between here and the land of the rising sun. At the time of writing this, it is 4/17/07 10AM here in my part of the US, but the blog entry plainly states that is 4/18/07 02:03:02. So you see what I mean, right? I'm blogging at my time, but it showing up tommorrow at several hours ahead. Is that not just the most oddest thing you've ever seen... Well probably not. But for me, I see it as amazing. A land which is hours and a day ahead, and here I am from yesterday, writing a blog that is showing up for what would be the next day for me. Whoa. My mind is blown.

Anyhow, that's all for now. Get at me dogs.

Some Bay Area Ska to get you moving... Into Action!


Oh sorry, I didn't you standing there. Yes, my name is jygsaw. jygsaw science. In japanese I guess that would be ジグソー科学.

Oh whoops, i'm not supposed to know japanese!


I digress.

I am here to try and find new friends in this foreign land, so please bear with me. Please, won't you be my neighbor? I am a modern day Mister Rogers and I am in your neighborhood. If you don't know who Mister Rogers is, I suggest you goto and search for "Mister Roger's Neighborhood". It's a very valuable show.

So please leave me comments! Leave me lots of comments! I don't care if I can't read them. I'm out for friends yo, WHAT?! さよなら!

Whoops... there I go again with my japanese when I don't even know japanese...


aww yeah