Can the same event happen with the same speed in a shorter time? Can time exist? Or is it just change, such as slowing down and speeding up?

I suspect that time is intervals. Or distances between yardsticks such as taps or movements of a minute hand. Intervals have a length. They can be even. Events have a duration measured in intervals.

According to eternalism, which is supported by the special theory of relativity, the past, the present and the future all exist. I see the existence of the past and the future as conceptually impossible. If they exist now, they are the present. Time travel would be moving from one place to another in the present.

I believe that events are very damn ”absolute” and let’s say ”definite”. And because of that I also believe in a totally absolute event order. Events happen exactly where they happen and exactly when they happen; one after another, at the same time or partially at the same time. Observation is a different matter.