There is a phrase 'the best sword and shield'. That is based on an old chinese story. A long time ago, there was a merchant who sold weapons. One day, he told the audience "This is the best sword in the world. It can break any shield in the world." Another day, he told the audience "This is the best shield in the world. It can block any sword in the world." One of the audience heard both stories. And he asked he merchant "What if you try to break the shield by the sword?" The merchant couldn't say anything.

Now there is a TV program based on the phrase. Every week there is a battle like the best sword and shield. One of it was like this, "what if you triy to make a hole in world's hardest metal plate by the world's sorongest drill?" I love the TV program!

One of my best friends Ms.H had a concert. She played the flute. She has taken lessons for about two years now. The concert was her second. She became a lot better than the first one!

By the way, before the concert, she had a funny accident. She wore her sandals that she hadn't used in a long time. But her shoes couldn't keep their shape till she got to the hall. the sandals were too old to use in the rain. She called me and asked "would you get me a pair of shoes?"

The accident made her relax and play nice music.

P.S my shoes suited her and looked cute!








