Nothing but ROCK'N'ROLL♪


Jui (pronounced ユイ / Yui) is a Japanese Rock Guitarist, Composer, Sound producer.
His music is a mix of Metal, Punk, Rock.......
He is a real complete Artist, very talented.

One day he said "Music is my Life".

With these words, you can understand he is a real Artist with a "Musical Soul".

No matter what will happen, he will continue to put his Heart and his Soul in his music, forever and ever!

JuiRock is the name of his solo project.

Nothing but ROCK'N'ROLL♪

Official Site
Official Site for Smartphone
Official Facebook
Official Myspace
Official Youtube Channel

+ JuiRock Official Profil on REVERBNATION

extra: JuiRockSupport page on Facebook (made and updated by fans)

I wish you The Best for 2013!

Yep, I am a little late but,
in France, we can say "Happy New Year" until 31th January.
Maybe, it is same in your countries.


do you remember I told you about an accoustic version of Deep Forest.
I said I would tell you when I get some news.

Here is the news!

Well, if you already checked JuiRock Youtube Channel, you already know!

There is a new video!

Let's watch it!

Deep Forest - Acoustic - / JuiRock

Deep Forest - Acoustic - / JuiRock
photo by mysza831

What do you think about this accoustic version?

It is absolutely beautiful!
I feel so peaceful when I listen to it.
Acoustic songs are the best!

The original version is great too! Check →here
But, it's two different versions.
Rock version, Acoustic version...these two songs are beautiful!

Which one is your favorite?

Enjoy the day♪

with love,


Nothing but ROCK'N'ROLL♪

Official Site
Official Site for Smartphone
Official Facebook
Official Myspace
Official Youtube Channel

+ JuiRock Official Profil on REVERBNATION

Last time I wrote an entry, it was 2 months ago.

Time goes by so fast, that's scary!(@_@)

I wasn't there for a long time, not because I didn't want to,
it is just...I wasn't in a good mood.
Sometimes feeling depressed...I can't be happy all the time! =3

I'll do my best to come back more often.
Sure, I'll be there for Christmas, to wish you good things!('-^*)/
And, when I got news I will write a new entry of course!

Yesterday, I heard nice news about JuiRock .
He made NEW songs!

Accoustic songs!!!!!

I really love accoustic songs, they're so beautiful and peaceful!!

I've listened an accoustic version of Deep Forest , it is just PERFECT!!!!!
I would love to share it with you all!
You sure will LOVE it!

It's all for now,

I will write new entry soon,
this is a promise, then I won't forget!(・ω・)/

Enjoy the day♪

with love,


Nothing but ROCK'N'ROLL♪

Official Site
Official Site for Smartphone
Official Facebook
Official Myspace
Official Youtube Channel

+ JuiRock Official Profil on REVERBNATION

Hello everybody♪
What's up?

I didn't use my PC during few days, then I missed some news.
Like the update of JuiRock Official Site !
A really nice new version "all in white", and the header "JuiRock" give a little touch of colors.
Nice work(o^-')b
Simple design, but sometimes, simple is the best!

Smartphone site is also updated!

Photo galeries, new videos, music, message, links...
Take time to visit JuiRock Official Site , you won't regret!(o^-')b

I love "message from Jui",
and this time, he wrote his message in english!

Check here → message from jui Vol.4

That's so nice, I really appreciate! x3
He said his english is not very good but it's better than mine!
So please Jui, keep writting in english, sometimes('-^*)/

Enjoy the day♪

with love,


Nothing but ROCK'N'ROLL♪

Official Site
Official Site for Smartphone
Official Facebook
Official Myspace
Official Youtube Channel

+ JuiRock Official Profil on REVERBNATION