モデルナ社のワクチン成分「SM-102」は猛毒であり、皮膚に付着すると致死的となります | Journalist GalaxyUnion

Journalist GalaxyUnion



モデルナ社 新型コロナワクチンの成分をコネチカット州が公表。

URGENT – Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use” Tue 9:42 am +00:00, 18 May 2021  2
posted by Weaver
by tts-admin | May 18, 2021 | 0 comments
The Hal Turner Show – May 17, 2021
The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID “Vaccine” and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical “SM-102.”
The SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as “NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE”
Here is the information published by the Connecticut Department of Health about the Moderna COVID Vaccine, which lists its INGREDIENTS:

ハル・ターナー・ショー - 2021年5月17日

コネチカット州公衆衛生局は モデルナワクチンの成分表を公開しており、そのデータシートでは化学物質 "SM-102" が含まれていることが確認されています。
SM-102の製品安全データシートには、この化学物質が "人体または動物用ではありません ... NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE "と記載されています。

Moderna COVID Vaccineについて、コネチカット州保健局が発表した情報で、その成分が記載されています。

※「SM-102(ヘプタデカン-9-yl 8-(2-ヒドロキセチル)(6-oxo-6-(ウンデシルオキシル)ヘキシル)オクタノエート)は、脂質ナノ粒子の形成に他の脂質と組み合わせて使用されたイオン性アミノ脂質である。SM-102含有脂質ナノ粒子におけるルシメラーゼmRNAの投与は、マウスにおける肝ルシファーゼーゼ発現を誘導する。SM-102を含む製剤は、mRNAベースワクチンの送達のための脂質ナノ粒子の開発に使用されてきた。」
SM-102の製造メーカー(Cayman Chemical Company)と米労働安全衛生局の資料によると、SM-102は猛毒であり、皮膚に付着すると致死的となります。また、人体がSM-102に長期間或いは何度も晒されると、中枢神経系、腎臓、肝臓、呼吸器系に損傷を与えます。


According to the manufacturer, Cayman Chemical Company in their filing with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), this chemical causes “Acute Toxicity “Fatal in contact with skin.”
In that same OSHA filing, the manufacturer declares SM-102  “Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.” 
This appears to be what they are injecting into YOUR arm when you take the Moderna COVID Vax.  You are APPARENTLY being POISONED!

Perhaps this is why so many people are having “adverse reactions” to the so-called “vaccine?”
Yet Health departments all over this country are running TV and Radio ads telling the general public this vaccine is “safe.”  That seems to be FALSE ADVERTISING.
The full information release from the Connecticut Department of health, listing the ingredients, can be downloaded directly from the Connecticut State Government web site HERE   (Archived HERE)
The full Material Data Safety Sheet on Chemical “SM-102” can be downloaded from the Cayman Chemical Company web site HERE   (Archived HERE)
Now that this information is out, YOU may wish to carefully re-think whether or not you want someone injecting this into YOU.
For those who made the decision to get this vaccine, you may want to get in touch with a good personal injury lawyer and present this information to that attorney.   (While you’re still alive.)



しかし、国中の保健省はテレビやラジオで、このモデルナのワクチンは "安全 "であるという広告を一般の人々に流しています。 これは「偽りの広告」ではないでしょうか。


化学物質「SM-102」のMaterial Data Safety Sheetの全文は、Cayman Chemical CompanyのWebサイトからダウンロードできます。


このモデルナワクチンを受ける決断をした人は、優れた人身傷害弁護士と連絡を取り、その弁護士にこの情報を提示するとよいでしょう。  (生きているうちに。)

Clearly very many of you made the decision to receive this vaccine based on deliberately false claims by politicians, celebrities, public health officials,  TV and Radio Stations, the print and electronic NEWS MEDIA (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBS, etc.) and perhaps others.
Maybe THOSE PEOPLE SHOULD BE SUED for what their false information has done to you. Where was their Due Diligence?   Did they even bother to look up the ingredients before they went out and told the public this was “safe?”
Why were they out there telling people this was “safe” when the ingredients list clearly shows a chemical “not for human … use” that is known to “cause cancer” and “damage to central nervous system . . .”
Oh, and how about social media giants (with deep pockets) like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google/Youtube? They not only pushed false information, but also actively and aggressively BLOCKED truthful information about the bad reactions taking place, and CENSORED or SHUT OFF accounts trying to get facts to the public. What price should they pay for what they’ve done?
Their CENSHORSHIP seems to have been an effort to aid and abet the flow of false safety information which ultimately may have damaged YOU!  Maybe the social media companies need to get sued too?
I can’t help but feel that if the big mouth, holier-than-thou celebrities, actors, left-wing media pundits, and politicians, all find themselves getting sued for what they’ve publicly told people to do, maybe these folks will (finally) shut up . . . or go out of business.
Those of you who work or attend school at places where the bosses or school administration REQUIRED you to get the vaccine as a condition of continued employment or condition of attending school, maybe THEY SHOULD GET SUED AS WELL.
OSHA has made clear that when an employer REQUIRES people to take an experimental vaccine, the employer is responsible under Workman’s Compensation Laws for any injuries or deaths caused by their requirement!
A lot of these people seem to think they’re so much smarter than everyone else, and they somehow needed to tell all us “little people” what was best for us.
Let them explain how injecting a cancer-causing chemical clearly labelled NOT FOR HUMAN USE, was “good” for us. Let’s see what a jury thinks of that.
Let their vast personal intellect, that they seem to think makes them so much smarter than the rest of us, hit their pocketbook; maybe they’ll start minding their own business . . . if they have a business left after all these lawsuits!
Given the information above, it seems to me that people who took the Moderna “jab” are likely to get sicker and sicker until they die.  Maybe I’m wrong.   Yet the Material Safety Data Sheet clearly states “Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure”  so to me, that means every time your heart beats and your blood flows, that chemical is REPEATEDLY hitting the cells in your body.  To me, that makes it “prolonged and repeated exposure.”



これらの人々は、彼らの誤った情報があなたに与えた影響を訴えられるべきかもしれません。彼らのデューデリジェンスはどうだったのか?  世間に "安全 "だと伝える前に、わざわざ成分を調べただろうか?



彼らのCENSHORSHIPは、誤った安全性情報の流れを助長し、最終的にはお客様に損害を与えることになったようです。 もしかしたら、ソーシャルメディアの会社も訴えられなければならないのでは?





NOT FOR HUMAN USE(人間には使用しないでください)と明確に表示された癌を誘発する化学物質を注射することが、どのように私たちにとって「良い」ことなのか、彼らに説明させましょう。陪審員がそれをどう思うか見てみましょう。


上記の情報を考えると、Modernaの「ジャブ」を打った人は、死ぬまでどんどん病気になっていくように思えます。 私が間違っているのかもしれませんが。  しかし、製品安全データシートには、「長期的または反復的な暴露により、中枢神経系、腎臓、肝臓、呼吸器系に損傷を与える」と明記されています。つまり、心臓が鼓動し、血液が流れるたびに、その化学物質は繰り返し体内の細胞を襲っているということです。 つまり、心臓が鼓動し、血液が流れるたびに、その化学物質が繰り返し体内の細胞に当たっていることになります。


Those of you who are suffering from “the jab” should ask a lawyer.
Of course, the lawyer may tell you the vaccine companies were granted immunity as a condition of releasing their experimental vaccine.  But the US Supreme Court has held in the past that “fraud vitiates everything” (See “UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON” 98 U.S. 61) and if these vaccine companies told the government their vaccine was “safe” when their own ingredients list says otherwise, then it may be that those companies committed fraud . . . and . . .  fraud vitiates everything.  Thus, maybe a court holds those vaccine companies have NO immunity?
Of course, proving fraud is a tough legal thing to do.  But maybe this will help; Pharmaceutical Companies are required to put an INSERT into their products that list ingredients and all known side effect.   But as the images below will show, those inserts boxed with the “vaccines” . . . .  ARE BLANK!

Now, I’m no pharmaceutical expert, so I don’t know why the companies left this insert blank.  Someone I know worked for a big pharmaceutical MANUFACTURER,  and he told me that these inserts are called “Ancillary labels” and when he worked in the industry, he was instructed by the company that these are an FDA requirement; they could not ship product without them.
Yet, Moderna (and some others) shipped product with blank inserts.  Why?
Were they worried people would look up the ingredients, find out they’re not for human or veterinary use, and go bonkers?  In criminal law, might the decision to use blank inserts be “consciousness of guilt?”  I’m not an attorney, so I don’t have the answers.



もちろん、弁護士は、ワクチン会社が実験的なワクチンを公開する条件として免責を与えられたと言うかもしれません。 しかし、米国最高裁は過去に「詐欺はすべてを無効にする」としています(「UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON」98 U.S. 61参照)。もし、ワクチン会社が自社の成分表にそうでないと書かれているにもかかわらず、政府に自社のワクチンは「安全」だと言ったのであれば、その会社は詐欺を犯したことになるかもしれません。そして、詐欺はすべてを無効にします。 そして、詐欺行為はすべてを無効にしてしまうのです。したがって、裁判所はワクチン会社には免責がないと判断するのではないでしょうか?

もちろん、不正行為を証明することは、法的には難しいことです。 製薬会社は、製品に成分や既知の副作用を記載した挿入物を入れることが義務付けられています。  しかし、下の画像を見ればわかるように、「ワクチン」と書かれた箱に入っているその挿入物は、何も書かれていないのです。 空欄なのです。

 私は製薬会社の専門家ではありませんので、なぜ製薬会社がこの挿入物を空白にしたのかはわかりません。 私の知り合いが大手の製薬会社で働いていたのですが、彼が言うには、これらの挿入物は「補助ラベル」と呼ばれていて、彼が業界で働いていた時には、これらはFDAの要求事項であり、これがないと製品を出荷できないと会社から指示されていたそうです。

それなのに、Modernaは(他のいくつかの会社も)空白のラベルを付けて製品を出荷していました。 なぜか?

人々が成分を調べて、それが人間や動物用ではないことを知り、気が狂ってしまうことを心配したのでしょうか? 刑法では、白紙の挿入物を使用することは、"罪の意識 "になるのでしょうか? 私は弁護士ではないので、答えはわかりません。




















『ロシア国営放送で「コロナと人口削減」の陰謀を公開しました。』ロシア国営放送で「コロナと人口削減」の陰謀を公開しました。 コロナと人口削減(ロシア国営放送)https://www.dropbox.com/sh/duxld…リンク















