Our sofa is a cocooning space where you can lounge for hours. Only, over time, the fabric tends to wear out. Discover our tips for cleaning and maintaining your fabric sofa.

Dust off your fabric sofa

Comfortable and family-friendly, the sofa is ideal for resting while reading a book. Some even take a nap or enjoy a meal tray in front of the television. Faced with this daily use, it is normal for it to get dirty. The first step in maintaining a convertible fabric sofa or not is to dust it off.


To do this, use the vacuum cleaner set to moderate power and with the flexible brush if it is provided. It is passed over the entire surface of the textile, insisting in the recesses. Your fabric sofa is thus free of dust, crumbs, residues of all kinds, and any pet hair that accumulates there. This operation should be repeated approximately every two weeks.  Sofa Cleaning in Sydney.


Wash your fabric sofa

For those who have a fabric sofa with a slipcover, cleaning is easy. All you have to do is put the cover in the washing machine according to the instructions on the label. However, it is recommended not to do this more than once a year to avoid damaging the textile. To properly clean non-removable fabric sofas, do not over-wet them. Instead, use a soft, wrung out or slightly damp cloth, never soaked. There are specific industrial products, but you may also prefer homemade water-based formulas. For example, use a cup of soda crystals to dilute in a bowl of hot water. This solution is best adopted on a white fabric sofa or united. After cleaning, use a hairdryer on all wet parts. Your fabric sofa is thus sanitized and the stains disappear.


Dry cleaning your fabric sofa

Washing should be done with care, especially in the case of colored fabric sofas. To reduce the risk of alteration to the textile, the desired product is first tested on a small, invisible corner of the furniture. If 48 hours later you do not notice any change in the appearance of the coating, you can use this substance without hesitation. If it appears discolored, forgo this type of maintenance and opt for dry cleaning. In this case, specific products are easily found at an affordable price. Spray the cleaning foam over the entire surface of the sofa and let it sit as directed on the label. After application, gently dab the treated area with a clean, dry cloth. It is strongly recommended to ventilate the room after use. The impurities are gone and your fabric sofa regains its original color!  Sofa and Carpet Cleaning Services in Sydney.