韓国料理第四段 韓国風野菜炒め
Korean teach u how to make Korean food.Stir-fried sausage and vegetable for 2 people韓国風野菜炒め(2人分) I made Stir-fried sausage and vegetable. It is so healthy, yammy and spicy..If you like Korean food, you have to make it!haha I put on YouTube. I am happy to subscribe my channel..... And, I want share this recipe written in English and Japanese.日本語と英語で作り方載せておきますので、見てください!! (English) a quarter of cabbage two spring onion a piece of onion Sausage as much as you want. two garlics ketchup 3sp a pinch of salt put some oil Add onions and stir-fry. Add green onions, cabbage, and garlic and stir-fry. After that, add sausage, stir-fry it, add a little bit of water, and close the lid.(To cook cabbage) Add salt and ketchup. (日本語) キャベツ4分の1 長ネギ 2本 玉ねぎ 1つ ウインナー 6本 ニンニク 2粒 ケチャップ3杯 潮 少々①フライパンに油を引きます②玉ねぎを入れて炒めます。③ネギ、キャベツを入れ同じく炒めます④火が通りやすいように、お水を入れます。⑤ウインナー、ニンニクを入れます。⑥塩、ケチャップを入れます⑦後は、炒めて味見してOKであれば完成!ユーチューブに作り方載ってますので、見てください!Thank you for watching it.