James Kenji Harada (原田ジェイムス健治) -2ページ目

James Kenji Harada (原田ジェイムス健治)

This is a blog about the things in my daily life.
I am a Japanese-Canadian living in Ibaraki.

did my third last large motorcycle lesson today. The instructor, who I had only once before, just told me to practice whatever I wanted. He told me my only problem didn't seem to be my skill but my state of mind which I totally agree with. I did both courses and then focused on the bridge. I only fell once out of the about 10 times I did it. I will be having my hopefully "last" retest this Saturday. I really hope I pass. This is getting silly and expensive. 


I hopefully just finished my last large motorcycle lesson. I need to take one more class before my retest tomorrow. The instructor was also the last instructor I had last time. He asked if it was the bridge and I said yes. He told me most people who fail are people who try too much. He was trying to cheer me up I think.  I just practiced the course a few times. The course was still a little icy in the shadows because of yesterday's snow. I did generally okay and didn't fall off the bridge once. He then asked me to do course B, and I did fine except for using too much back brake on the sudden stop part. I feel okay about tomorrow but I won't get my hopes up too much.