

It doesn't matter what I do as long as I can do it. I just hope everything will be fine and great! Think happy thoughts✨

All the Love ♥




Been a very long time. I just found out I can still access this account. I know it's stupid, but I that's how it is. LOL!


It's 2021 like daaaamn. 2020 was a real mess (until now), but you never know when doomsday is. Last year, the Coronavirus strikes the world. It was devastating since no one knows how to deal with it and how safe we are. It's just not the likes of some flu we can cure with basic medicines but something that can kill people. I mean, there's a lot of medical conditions that can kill people but, this COVID-19 was a real threat of 2020. We have to quarantine ourselves just to avoid getting it and the world was closing each others borders to avoid getting the threat to their lives. A lot have died and a lot is still being stricken with the virus, but at the moment, there's a vaccine that has been created but I don't know how real and helpful it is. I haven't been on the news for a long time so I don't know anything much about everything yet, but I am trying to read articles and posts about what is happening. Currently, I just hope that we can get over this dillema as soon as we can. 


I actually like staying at our rented home (since our home is real far and it takes almost 2 hours to travel and it's not very safe to travel everyday to just go to work) because I get to just stay. I'm not very fond of going out now but if someone asks me to go somewhere to hang out, I will. But I guess I'm too fat for everyone's motorcycle so nobody really wanted to invite me (my fault for eating too much) LOL just kidding. Everyone's just living their own lives. I haven't checked with them. I don't really want to. Why? I don't know how to converse and I'm just boring. Literally. HAHAHA damn...


So yea, I actually have another blog. It's on blogger by gmail so it's not consistent with this one. This one is more like no one knows about. The other one is gor public use maybe lol. That's it.


Good to be typing on a computer right now. It's not mine, it's my brother's. I'm saving to buy one for myself. To work and play games on it. I earn more or less 350$ and I want to buy a pc that's more than 1000$. Oh well. I wil just ask my siblings to feed me while I save my money for 3 to 5 months maybe. And I'll be treating them after that. Gotta give back. 


I guess this is it for today. Not sure when I'll be able to write again. When I feel like it? Or maybe soon or yea. LOL