Japan Community Center (JCC) -4ページ目

Useful Information

Hi Friends,

I hope all of you are doing fine and stay well. With the fact that Tokyo and many places in Japan are affected by radiation, we need to stay aware, be informed and be prepared.

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (東京外国語大学) have translated various information concerning radiation in many languages. Please visit the following web site for details:


What we can do to protect ourselves and flush those toxins out of our systems as radiation does have a cumulative effect in our bodies over time. We need antioxidants big-time and chlorella is available in Japan as well as worldwide. This can be used as a general antioxidant for any toxins, but also very effective in removing and protecting us from radiation.

As to the remedies, it is said that miso, salt, sea-weed, ume-boshi, genn-mai are good to remove radiation from your body.

Stay clam and keep in touch!

Best regards,
Linda Hirata.
Japan Community

Japan earthquake how to protect yourself guide

Japan earthquake- How to protect yourself guide
How to protect yourself during the earthquake- basic advice in different languages.
Please visit the following site for detail information:


For English news broadcast about the earthquake,
please visit the following site:


I pray that all of you will be fine and this difficult period will pass soon.

Sankei Newspaper promotes Japan Community Tour!

Thank you for all your support and participation!

Sankei Newspaper reporter joined us on 12th February for our Chinese New Year Celebration. The reporter was interested in how we helped the international community to feel at home in Tokyo. The article promotes Japan Community Tour on 26th February. We are going to visit Edo Tokyo Museum and walk around the Ryokoku area to enjoy the traditional Japanese garden, Sumo stable and street with Ukiyoe drawings.

Please visit
and click on the pdf file for details of the article.

Enjoy museum visit with international community and discover Tokyo downtown area together!