LinkedIn is a professional social network that works thanks to the connections and the network that you will be able to create. It’s a great springboard for your professional career. Used well, this tool can open many doors for you.


A great opportunity for students leaving school don't you think?

Indeed, it is often difficult to build a network with little experience and knowledge at the start of a career.

But that's not all ! It is also a great recruitment tool, which gives recruiters access to a great deal of information (skills, experience, training, recommendations, etc.). A perfect and up-to-date LinkedIn profile shows recruiters the candidate's will and selflessness in his chosen field.

In short, you understood, in 2020, it is important to have a perfect profile on LinkedIn.

1. Take care of the appearance of your LinkedIn profile
The first thing to do to have a perfect LinkedIn profile is to lay it out. The essential element for this is the profile picture, according to LinkedIn, the profiles of members with pictures have 12 times more visibility than those who do not. Be careful, it's not about putting anything. Avoid photos that are a little too casual. For example, photos with a Snapchat filter should be banned. It may seem obvious, but many profiles with this kind of photo are still present. Your dress and location are also important. It is necessary to privilege a professional or neutral context, the photos of the evenings with friends or "personal" type are not adequate.

A banner is also often recommended, this will dress up your LinkedIn profile. There are two possible methods for doing this:

Put an image that you find on the internet (copyright free of course)
Create your own banner if you have skills with creative tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva…
Attention, as for your profile photo, be careful not to be off topic. Put an image related to your favorite field. For example, if you work in the field of digital marketing, put an image related to this area. Otherwise, if you are ultra corporate, put an illustrative image of your company.

To properly reference your LinkedIn profile, it is important to provide a title and a place, this title can be:

The description of your current position (Example: Communication officer at Campus Saint Marc)
Description of your preferred field (Example: Digital Marketing)
It is not out of place to decorate this title with an emoji, be careful not to be in excess. Also remember to customize your URL to be better referenced, for that nothing simpler, LinkedIn offers a fairly simple tutorial.

There is only one thing missing to have a perfect LinkedIn profile start, a short description of your profile. This will allow users to have information about you and your journey. This text must be personal, no need to make a vulgar copy / paste of Internet. It can be relatively short, LinkedIn does not necessarily recommend a minimum length. Be careful all the same with spelling mistakes!

2. Bring content to your LinkedIn profile
We're already on the right track, but your profile is not yet complete. A LinkedIn profile works a bit in the form of a CV, with a personal presentation and then the presentation of your experiences and your training. It is important to fill in this information, it is a bit like creating an Instagram profile but without a photo. It doesn't make sense, do we agree?

For each experience and training, make sure to inform the reference company or school so that the logo appears, with a short description of what you have done, a bit like this:

Now is the time to educate your technical and strategic skills, avoid personal qualities such as "Friendly, helpful, sociable ...". It is best to prioritize skills already listed in the LinkedIn directory, such as:

Adobe photoshop
Digital Marketing
Marketing strategy
It is advisable to alternate between technical and strategic skills, in order to have a wide range of what you are capable of doing in business.


This is optional, but you can add volunteer experiences or certifications to highlight your professional and societal involvement. If you've been lucky enough to have a good TOIC or Voltaire certification score, now is the time to highlight it!

You also have a production part which is not necessarily compulsory but which will allow you to highlight the various works that you have been able to carry out, in particular articles, the languages ​​spoken, the results of exams ...

Last step, follow pages and discussion groups related to your activity. For example, if you are a graphic designer, follow the Adobe or Canva profiles. This will allow you to be able to do the monitoring, but also to show the recruiter that you are interested in your job.

3. Raise your LinkedIn profile even higher
Your perfect LinkedIn profile is almost finished, in fact, you can go even further!

The strength of LinkedIn is its network, that is why it is important for you to build one, do not hesitate to ask your tutors, colleagues or managers, a recommendation on your LinkedIn profile for your work as well that of your skills. This allows you to enhance your profile.

Do not hesitate to be active on the various discussions and publications, this will create links and show that you are active. Also be an actor in this social network, post things that may be of interest to people in your network, such as:

Watch news
One of your achievements (Article, graphic, website…)
A major event
A debate on a professional subject
You also have the possibility of publishing articles on various subjects from your LinkedIn account, favor a consultative or informative article. By broadcasting content, your profile may become interesting depending on the target you want to reach.

Feel free to draw inspiration from inspiring sources, with well thought out profiles or with interesting content.

Once you have completed all of these steps, you now have a perfect LinkedIn profile!


For more Linkedin tips, visit: