
Island Fortnight

I just got back from Redang Island. 3 days of heaven on earth. グッド!

Met a lot of new friends. I went with 6 of my acquaintances and joined a group of 30+ people. They are cool people except for some youngster. グー

Guess what, I'll be going back to Redang tomorrow. 4 days this time. I'll try to enjoy as much as possible. even i got a little running nose right now. ガーン

Lovely thoughts

La la la la...

last night i texted a girl that i used to have a HUGE crush when i was 13,14 and 15. Yep, for 3 years I set my heart at her! we texted until we both felt asleep. I never imagined for us to chat like that. ドキドキ

honestly.. I still have the crush. every moment i pressed the Send button, my heart will pound for anxiety and worry. worried that she didnt reply. but she did... not until she felt sleeping. later in the morning she texted me to apologize because she slept in midst of our chat. Ah... Sakura mankai... ラブラブ

Fridays Blues

Fufufufu.. I couldn't figure out how to use the buttons and links in this blog. everything is in Japanese. In Kanji. If it is in Kana then still I can pick few things up. this is impossible. I can only write in blog and add pictures, the rest? ガーン

This morning I tried to mix up my breakfast. In a bowl, I put oatmeal, then add cornflake, pour milk on it, and on top of everything, I put yogurt. 合格 The taste? lil bit weird. but managed to finish it. That is when I hold my breath... la la la ドクロ